
Grade 8 2025

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3 3
Introduction to Matter
Classification of matter
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Define matter
Identify some matter within our class
Watch a video clip on states of matter and how they change
Appreciate the importance of changes of state
Describe properties of different states of matter
Carry out an experiment on how matter changes from one form to another
Appreciate the importance of various changes of states
The learner is guided to;  Define matter.   Identify some matter within their environment.    Watch a video on state of matter and how they change.   Appreciate the importance of changes of matter.
The learner is guided to;  Describe properties of different states of matter.   Carry out experiments on how matter changes from one state to another.
How does the movement of particles in matter affect its physical properties
Apparatus and
Relevant reading material
Digital Devices
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 1-2
Relevant reading materials
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 3-4
Reflections Game Playing Model Making Explorations Experiments Invesigation Conventions, Conferences, and Debates
3 4
Properties of solids
Properties of liquids
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify properties of solids as a state of matter
Perform a simple experiment on heating on solids
Appreciate applications of changes of state in our day to day life
Demonstrate diffusion in liquids.  Perform experiments to demonstrate diffusion in liquids
Appreciate the applications of changes of states in our daily lives
The learner is guided to; Identify properties of solids as a state of matter.  Preform a simple experiment on heading of solids.  Appreciate application of changes of state of matter in our daily lives.
The learner is guided to; Demonstrate diffusion in liquids. Perform experiment to demonstrate diffusion in liquids.  Appreciate the applications of changes of state in our daily lives. 
How does the movement of particles in matter affect its physical properties
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Digital Devices
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 7
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 8
Post testin Model Making Explorations Experiments Debates Applications Teacher Observations Questions Learner's Project
3 5
Properties of gases
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify properties of gases
Perform simple experiments on cooling on gases
demonstrate diffusion in
Appreciate the applications of cooling of gases
The learner is guided to; Identify properties of gases.   Perform experiments on cooling of gases.  Demonstrate diffusion in liquids.   Appreciate the applications of cooling of gases.  
How does the movement of particles in matter affect its physical properties
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Digital Devices
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 9
Reflections Game Play Model Making Explorations Experiment Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
4 1
Temporary and permanent changes
Elements and compound
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Distinguish between temporary and permanent changes
Watch a video on how temporary and permanent changes occur
Appreciate the applications of state in our daily live
Distinguish between an element and compound
Display written examples of element and compound
Appreciate the importance of packaging in labels
The learner is guide to;  Distinguish between temporary and permanent changes.   Watch a video on how temporary and permanent changes occur.   Appreciate the applications of state in our daily lives.
The learner is guide to
Assign appropriate symbols to common salt, and water
discuss the names of common elements and the importance and market value of
common elements
Sample labelled containers of different
indicating the common elements
as part of the ingredients
How does the movement of particles in matter affect its physical properties
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Digital Devices
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 15
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 16-17
Reflections Game Playing Pre Post testing Model Making Explorations Conventions, Conferences, and Debates Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Learner's Project
4 2-3
Common elements and their symbols
Applications of common elements
Packaging labels
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Distinguish between an element and compound
Use a digital device to search the symbols of certain elements
Appreciate the use of symbols in naming elements and compounds
Identify the common elements and their symbols
Display their work to the class
Use a digital device to search for the symbols of common elements
Appreciate the applications of common elements in our day to day lives

Outline the applications of common elements in day to day life
Play games involving elements and their symbols
Appreciate the information on packaging labels of commonly consumed substances
Discuss the names of common elements and
their symbols the first 13 elements of the
periodic table and commonly used metals:
zinc, lead, tin, gold, mercury
and limited to
Latin names only where applicable)
Discuss the importance and market value of
common elements and compounds
Sample labelled containers of different
indicating the common elements
as part of the ingredients
Discuss difference between elements
and compounds,
Assign appropriate symbols to common elements
their symbols (first 13 elements of
Latin names only where applicable
discuss importance and market value of
common elements and compounds in
jewellery, iron, toiletries, food
nutrients, mineral elements, medals among
indicating common elements
as part of ingredients

Discuss the difference between elements
and compounds,
Assign appropriate symbols to common
and compounds cover
aluminium, iron, silver, table salt, and
Discuss the names of common elements and
their symbols (the first 13 elements of the
periodic table and commonly used metals:
zinc, lead, tin, gold, mercury
and limited to
Latin names only where applicable),
Discuss the importance and market value of
common elements and compounds in
ample labelled containers of different
indicating the common elements
as part of the ingredients
How are symbols assigned to elements? What is the value of elements in day
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Digital Devices
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 18
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 20
Reflections Game Playing testing Investigation Conventions, Conferences, and Debates Applications Teacher Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
Reflections Game Model Making Explorations Experiments Conventions, Conferences, and Debates Applications Teacher Observations Journals Portfolio Questions Learner's Project
4 4
Package labels
Common elements and their symbols
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Define the term package labels
Search in the internet example of package labels
Appreciate the information on package labels
Identify the common elements and their symbols
Search in the internet the common elements and their symbols
Appreciate the importance of common elements in day to day life
The learner is guided to
Discuss the difference between elements
and compounds,
Assign appropriate symbols to common elements and compounds
Discuss the names of common elements and
their symbols the first 13 elements of the
periodic table and commonly used metals:
zinc, lead, tin, gold, mercury
and limited to
Latin names only where applicable
Discuss the importance and market value of
common elements and compounds in
jewellery, iron, toiletries, food
nutrients, mineral elements, medals among
Sample labelled containers of different
indicating the common elements
as part of the ingredients
The learner is guide to
Assign appropriate symbols to common
and compounds cover
aluminium, iron, silver, table salt, and
Discuss importance and market value of
nutrients, mineral elements
indicating common elements
as part of ingredients
How are symbols assigned to elements? What is the value of elements in day
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Digital Devices
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 22
Reflections Game Playing Model Making Explorations Experiments Investigation Conventions, Conferences, and Debates Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
4 5
Common elements and their symbols
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Differentiate between mixtures and elements
Search in the internet the symbols of compounds and elements
Appreciate the use of common elements and compounds

Describe the structures of an atom and electron arrangements of elements
Draw the structure of an atom and electron arrangements of elements
Appreciate the use of electron and elements
The learner is guided to
Discuss the difference between elements
and compounds,
Assign appropriate symbols to common
aluminium, iron, silver, table salt, and
discuss the names of common elements and
their symbols the first 13 elements of the
periodic table and commonly used metals:
zinc, lead, tin, gold, mercury
and limited to
Latin names only where applicable
Discuss the importance and market value of
common elements and compounds in
jewellery, iron, toiletries, food
nutrients, mineral elements, medals among
Sample labelled containers of different
indicating the common elements
as part of the ingredients
The learner is guided to:
Discuss the meaning of the atom and
illustrate its structure (protons, neutrons,
and electrons
Draw and discuss
the electron
arrangements of elements and classify
them into metals and
elements of the periodic table
Discuss and illustrate the atomic number
and mass number of elements
first 13
elements of the periodic table
use digital
int media to search for
information on the
structure of an atom,
electron arrangement, atomic number
and mass number of elements,
model the atomic structure of
selected elements of the periodic table
using locally available materials
How are symbols assigned to elements? What is the value of elements in day
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Digital Devices
Course book
Basic Laboratory
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Water/salty water
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 7 pg. 66-67
Reflections Game Playing Post testing Model Making Experiments Investigation Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
5 1
Atomic number
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Define the term atomic number
Determine the atomic number and mass number of elements
Role play games involving atomic number and mass number
Appreciate the importance of atomic numbers in elements
The learner is guided to:
Discuss the meaning of the atom and
illustrate its structure (protons, neutrons,
and electrons)
raw and discuss
the electron
arrangements of elements and classify
them into metals and non
Discuss and illustrate the atomic number
and mass number of elements
use digital
int media to search for
information on the
structure of an atom,
electron arrangement, atomic number
and mass number of elements,
model the atomic structure of
selected elements of the periodic table
using locally available materials
hat is the structure of an atom? How do atoms gain stability
Course book
Basic Laboratory
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Water/salty water
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 66-67
Written Test Assessment Rubrics Checklist Anecdotal Records Oral Questions and Answers Reflections Game Playing Model Making Explorations Experiments Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
5 2-3
Mass number
Metals and non- metals
Metals and non -metals
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Classify elements into metals and non -metals
Watch a video showing steps of grouping elements into metals and non -metals
Appreciate the importance of classifying elements into metals and non-metals

Differentiate between metals and non-metals
Play games involving metals and non-metals
Appreciate the importance of common me

Draw the structure of metals and non -metals
Determine the atomic mass and number of elements
Appreciate the importance of mixture and compounds
The learner is guided to:
Discuss the meaning of the atom and
illustrate its structure (protons, neutrons,
and electron)
arrangements of elements and classify
them into metals and
elements of the periodic table
Discuss and illustrate the atomic number
and mass number of elements
first 13
elements of the periodic table
use digital
into media to search for
information on the
structure of an atom,
electron arrangement, atomic number
and mass number of elements,
model the atomic structure of
selected elements of the periodic table
using locally available materials
illustrate its structure protons, neutrons,
and electrons
raw and discuss
the electron
them into metals and
use digital or print
int media to search for
The learner is guided to:
Discuss the meaning of the atom and illustrate its structure (protons, neutrons,and electrons raw and discuss
the electron
arrangements of elements and classify
them into metals and
elements of the periodic table
use digital or
internet media to search for
information on the
structure of an atom,
electron arrangement, atomic number
and mass number of elements,
model the atomic structure of
selected elements of the periodic table
using locally available materials
hat is the structure of an atom? How do atoms gain stability
Course book
Basic Laboratory
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Water/salty water
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 66-67
Course book
Basic Laboratory
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Water/salty water
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 66-67
Written Test Assessment Rubrics Checklist Anecdotal Records Oral Questions and Answers Reflections Game Playing Post Testing Model Making Explorations Experiments investigation Conventions, Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
Written Test Assessment Rubrics Checklist Anecdotal Records Oral Questions and Answers Reflections Explorations Experiments Investigation Conventions,
5 4
Metals and non- metals
Importance of elements
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe the structure of an atom and electron arrangements of elements
Draw the structure of metals and non -metals
Appreciate the importance of non -metals in our daily lives
Identify the importance of elements
Search in the internet the importance of elements
Appreciate the value of different elements in daily lives
The learner is guided to:
Discuss the meaning of the atom and illustrate its structure (protons,neutrons,
and electrons), raw and discuss
the electron arrangements of elements and classify them into metals and non
use digital
int media to search for
information on the
structure of an atom,
electron arrangement, atomic number and mass number of elements,
model the atomic structure of
selected elements of the periodic table
using locally available materials
Discuss the meaning of the atom and
illustrate its structure (protons, neutrons,
and electrons)
Draw and discuss
the electron
arrangements of elements and classify
them into metals and non
Discuss and illustrate the atomic number
and mass number of elements
first 13 elements of the periodic table
use digital or
internet media to search for
hat is the structure of an atom How do atoms gain stability
Course book
Basic Laboratory
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Water/salty water
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 66-67
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8pg. 66-67
Written Test Assessment Rubrics Checklist Anecdotal Records Oral Questions and Answers Reflections Game Playing Conventions, Conferences, and Debates Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
5 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Prepare oxygen in the laboratory
Investigate the physical properties of oxygen
Appreciate the role of oxygen in day to day life
Identify the uses of oxygen
Prepare the oxygen in the laboratory using hydrogen peroxide
learner is guided to:
carry out experiment using hydrogen
peroxide/potassium permanganate to
prepare oxygen,
discuss the role
of oxygen in every life
where possible, u
use digital devices
to search, play and watch and
discuss videos and animations on the different classes of fire.
The learner is guided to
Discuss the role of oxygen in
Combustion and the spread of
Discuss rights to safety and access to
information on flammable
se digital devices
how is oxygen important in day to day life What are the different classes of fire
Basic Laboratory
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 67-68Laboratory
Apparatus and
Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
6 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Differentiate between physical and chemical properties of oxygen
Draw the experiment used in preparation of oxygen
Appreciate the role of oxygen in day to day 9life
The learner is guided to:
Carry out experiment using hydrogen
peroxide/potassium permanganate to
prepare oxygen,
Discuss the role of oxygen in
Combustion and the spread of fire
breaking the fire triangle and use of fire extinguishers
Discuss rights to safety and access to information on fammable
discuss the role
of oxygen in every life
where possible, u
se digital devices
to search, play and watch and
discuss videos and animations on the different classes of fire.
how is oxygen important in day to day life What are the different classes of fire
Basic Laboratory
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 67-68Laboratory
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Digital Devices
Written Test Assessment Rubrics Checklist Anecdotal Records Oral Questions and Answers Reflections Experiments Investigation Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
6 2-3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Investigate the physical and chemical properties of oxygen
Search in the internet ways of preparing oxygen
Appreciate the role of oxygen in day to day life
Explain the role of oxygen in combustion
Identify classes of fires and their control measures
Appreciate the role of oxygen in day to day life
Identify classes of fires from their text books
Search in the intern various classes of fires
Appreciate the role of fire in combustion
Identify various ways of control ling fires
Search in the internet ways of controlling various classes of fires
learner is guided to:
carry out experiment using hydrogen
peroxide/potassium permanganate to
prepare oxygen,
Discuss the role of oxygen in
mbustion and the spread o
and suggest control measures,
Practise fire control measures
breaking the fire triangle and use of
fire extinguishers
Discuss rights to safety and access to
information on flammable
Discuss the role
of oxygen in every life
where possible, u
se digital devices
to search, play and watch and
discuss videos and animations on the
different classes of fire.
The learner is guided to:
Carry out experiment using hydrogen peroxide/potassium permanganate to prepare oxygen,
Combustion and spread of fire
breaking the fire triangle and use of fire extinguishers
Discuss rights to safety and access to information on flammable
discuss videos and animations on the different classes of fire.
The learner is guided to:
Carry out experiment using hydrogen
peroxide/potassium permanganate to prepare oxygen,
Discuss the role of oxygen in
Combustion and the spread of
Classify fire according to the cause and suggest control measures,
Practise fire control measures
breaking the fire triangle and use of fire extinguishers Discuss rights to safety and access to information on flammable discuss the role
of oxygen in every life
where possible, u
se digital devices
to search, play and watch and
discuss videos and animations on the different classes of fire.
peroxide/potassium permanganate to
prepare oxygen,
Classify fire according to the cause
and suggest control measures,
breaking the fire triangle and use of fire extinguishers Discuss rights to safety and access to information on flammable discuss the role of oxygen in every life
discuss videos and animations on the
different classes of fire.
how is oxygen important in day to day life? What are the different classes of fire
how is oxygen important in day to day life What are the different classes of fire
Basic Laboratory
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 67-68Laboratory
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Digital Devices

Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
selected specimens
Digital Devices
Written Test Assessment Rubrics Checklist Anecdotal Records Oral Questions and Answers Game Playing Model Making Project
Written Test Assessment Rubrics Checklist Anecdotal Records Oral Questions and Answers Reflections Conventions, Conferences, and Debates Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio
6 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

identify classes of fires and their control measures
Search in the internet ways of controlling various classes of fires
Appreciate the role of fire in combustion
The learner is guided to:
Carry out experiment using hydrogen peroxide/potassium permanganate to prepare oxygen.
Discuss the role of oxygen in
Combustion and the spread of
Classify fire according to the cause and suggest control measures
Practise fire control measures
breaking the fire triangle and use of fire extinguishers Discuss rights to safety and access to information on flammable
discuss the role of oxygen in every life
where possible, use digital devices
to search, play and watch and
discuss videos and animations on the
different classes of fire.
how is oxygen important in day to day life What are the different classes of fire

Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Digital Devices
Written Test Assessment Rubrics Checklist Anecdotal Records Oral Questions and Answers Reflections Game Experiments Investigation Conventions, Conferences, and Debates Applications Teacher Observations
6 5
Living things and their environment
Importance of controlling fires
The cell
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Examine various importance controlling of fires
Role play games involving fire control measures
Appreciate the role of fire in combustion
Define the term cell
Compare plant and animal cell as observed under a light microscope
Calculate the magnification of cells seen under light microscope
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
The learner is guided to:
Carry out experiment using hydrogen peroxide/potassium permanganate to prepare oxygen.
Discuss the role of oxygen in
Combustion and the spread of
Classify fire according to the cause and suggest control measures.
Practise fire control measures
breaking the fire triangle and use of fire extinguishers Discuss rights to safety and access to information on flammable discuss the role
of oxygen in every life
where possible.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to identify the cell membrane found in a cell. 
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to state the structures of the cell membrane.
how is oxygen important in day to day life What are the different classes of fire

Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Apparatus and
Written Test Assessment Rubrics Checklist Anecdotal Records Oral Questions and Answers Reflections Model Making Explorations Experiments Applications Project Journals Portfolio
7 1
Living things and their environment
Components of a cell
Types of cells
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the components of a cell
Compare plant and animal cell as observed under a light microscope
Calculate the magnification of cells seen under light microscope
Appreciate the importance of using light microscope
Draw the animal and plant cell
Appreciate the importance of using the light microscope
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to use the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJfTDc3WzQ8
and watch the video.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to describe the properties of a cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to investigate the structures of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to draw the structure of a
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70
Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
7 2-3
Living things and their environment
Functions of a cell
Difference between plant and Animal cell
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the components of a cell
Compare plant and animal cell as observed under a light microscope
Calculate the magnification of cells seen under light microscope
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
Draw plant and animal cell
Compare plant and animal cell as observed under a light microscope
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
Identify the organelles in a plant cell
Draw the major organelles in a cell
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to draw an animal cell.


In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to. name the structures of an animal cell
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to state the differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to recognise the differences between plant and animal cell.
guided to identify the requirements needed to observe a plant cell under a
light microscope.
guided to outline the procedure of observing a plant cell under a light
guided to observe a plant cell under a light microscope.
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Apparatus and
Applications Teacher Observations project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
Applications Teacher Observations Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
7 4
Living things and their environment
Organelles in plant cell
Organelles in animal
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the functions of the major organelles in a plant cell
Watch a video showing the plant cell
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
Identify the major organelles in animal cell
Draw the major organelles in an animal cell
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to draw a plant cell.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to name the structures of a plant cell.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to state the functions of the parts of a plant cell.
guided to draw an animal cell.
guided to. name the structures of an animal cell
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
7 5
Living things and their environment
Difference between the plant and animal cell
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Compare plant and animal cell as observed under a light microscope
Identify the difference between plant and animal cell
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to state the differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.


In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to recognise the differences between plant and animal cell.
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70
Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project


9 1
Living things and their environment
Functions of nucleus
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Define the term nucleus
Draw the nucleus as seen under light microscope
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
Identify the functions of nucleus
Search in the internet the functions of nucleus
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to draw a nucleus
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to. name the structures of a nucleus
guided to draw a nucleus and name various parts of a nucleus
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
9 2-3
Living things and their environment
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Functions of nucleus
Structure of an atom.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Define the term cell
Compare plant and animal cells as observed under a light microscope
Calculate the magnification of cells seen under light microscope
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification

-Define the term atom.
-Describe the structure of an atom.
-Draw the structure of an atom.
-Appreciate the structure of an atom.
-Differentiate between atomic number and mass number.
-Determine the mass number of the first twenty elements in the periodic table.
-Prepare charts showing the mass number of the twenty elements.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to name various functions of parts of a nucleus
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to: -
-Discuss and give the meaning of an atom.
-Use digital or print resources to search for information about the structure of an atom.
-Draw the structure of an atom.
-Use digital devices or print resources to find the meaning of atomic and mass numbers.
-Discuss the difference between mass and atomic number.
-Work out the mass number of the first twenty elements collaboratively.
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
-What is the difference between mass number and atomic number? -How do we Determine the mass numbers of elements?
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Apparatus and
Relevant reading materials
integrated science learner
integrated science studies learner
Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
-Written test. -Observation. -Oral questions. -Assessment rubrics.
9 4
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Structure of an atom.
Structure of an atom.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define the term electron arrangement.
-Draw the electron arrangement in an atom using crosses or dots diagrams.
-Show interest in drawing electron arrangement in atoms using crosses or dots diagrams.
-Draw electronic arrangement of the first twenty elements on charts and books.
-Enjoy drawing the electron arrangement of the first twenty elements in periodic table.
-Explain the meaning of electron arrangement and energy level.
-Observe the teacher or video clip on drawing electron arrangement in atoms using dots or cross diagrams.
-Illustrate the electron arrangement in atoms using dot or cross diagrams.
-Draw electron arrangement of the first twenty elements using dots or cross diagrams on charts and excises books.
-Display their charts in class and peers to assess them and give feedback.
What is electron arrangement?
integrated science studies learner
-Oral questions. -Observation. -Checklists. -Illustration. -Written questions.
9 5
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Structure of an atom.
Structure of an atom.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify the features used to distinguish metals and non-metals based on their tendency to lose or gain electrons.
-Search for information on How you can classify elements based on electron arrangement.
-classify elements in metals and non-metals based on the electron arrangement.
-Prepare charts showing the metal and non-metal elements.
-Show interest in classifying elements into metals and non-metals.
-Use digital devices to Search for information on which feature one can Use to distinguish metals based on electron arrangement.
-Discuss How number of valence electrons distinguishes metals and non-metals based on their tendency to lose or gain electrons.
-Watch video clips on How one can distinguish elements as metal or non-metals.
-Use electron arrangement to classify the first twenty elements into metals and non-metals.
-Collaborate on preparing charts showing classification of elements into metals and non-metals.
How can one distinguish metals and non-metals elements based on electron arrangement?
integrated science studies learner
-Observation. -Oral questions. -Written questions. -Assessment rubrics.
10 1
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Structure of an atom.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify some locally available materials used in modelling the atomic structure selected elements of the periodic table.
-Model the atomic structure of the selected elements of the periodic table using locally available materials.
-Enjoy modelling the atomic structure of the selected elements of the periodic table using locally available materials.
-Collaborate on discussing on the suitable locally available materials to Use in modeling elements.
-Collect the locally available materials needed to Model the elements.
-Collaborate in modelling the twenty elements of the periodic table.
-Display their models in call for peer assessment.
Which locally available materials can one use to model the elements of the periodic table?
integrated science studies learner
-Observation. -Checklists. -Assessment rubrics. -Portfolio. -Project.
10 2-3
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Structure of an atom assessment.
Metals and alloys.
Metals and alloys.
Metals and alloys.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Attempt the questions on the sub-strand; structure of the atom.
-Identify the physical properties of metals.
-Describe the physical properties of metals.
-Search the internet for more information on the physical properties of metals.
-Appreciate the physical properties of the metals.
-Carry out experiments to Show the physical properties of metals.
-Enjoy carrying out the experiments to Show the physical properties of metals.
-Define the composition of alloys.
-Identify the alloys in the locality.
-Discuss the uses of common alloys in the environment.
-Appreciate the uses of different metals in the society.
-Enjoy collecting the metals in the locality.
Answer questions on the sub-strand; structure of the atom correctly.
-Use digital or print resources to Search for information on the physical properties of metals.
-Identify the physical properties of metals.
-Prepare posters or charts showing the physical properties of metals and Display in class.
-Study the procedure for conducting the experiments on physical properties of metals.
-Collaborate in carrying out experiments to demonstrate the physical properties of metals.
-Observe record and Discuss the observation they made.
-Present their findings for assessment.
-Discuss about the meaning of an alloy.
-Identify and Collect the alloys found in the locality.
-Discuss and Present the importance of metals in the community.
-Present their findings and Draw different items made of the alloys they collected.

Which experiment can one conduct to determine the physical properties of metals.
integrated science studies learner
-Written questions. -Assessment rubrics. -Checklists.
-Demonstration. -Checklists. -Observation. -Oral questions. -Assessment rubrics.
10 4
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify uses of different metals in day-to-day life.
-Discuss the uses of different metals.
-Make flashcards or charts to Show the uses of metals in the society.
-Appreciate the uses of metals in the society.
-List some items made of metals in the locality.
-Use digital or print devices to Search for information on the uses of metals.
-Identify and Discuss the uses of the different metals.
-Prepare flashcards or charts showing uses of different metals.
What are the uses of the different metals in the locality?
integrated science studies learner
-Checklists. -Oral questions. -Written questions. -Assessment rubrics.
10 5
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
Metals and alloys.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify the uses of alloys in day-to-day life.
-Discuss the uses of the alloys in day-to-day life.
-Prepare charts and flashcards showing the uses of alloys in day-to-day life.
-Appreciate the uses of the different alloys in day-to-day life.
-Explain the meaning of rust in metals.
-Identify the causes of rusting in metals.
-Describe the causes of rusting in metals.
-Appreciate the causes of rusting in metals.
-Work together to Identify some of the items in the locality that are made of alloy.
-Use digital devices to Search for information on uses of common alloys.
-List and Discuss the uses of the common alloys in the locality.
-Prepare charts or flashcards showing the uses of common metals in the locality.
-Observe rusted objects or items in the locality e.g. knives, nails, pangas etc.
-Discuss on the meaning of rusting and Present in class.
-Use digital or print devices to Search for information and causes of rusting in metals.
-Discuss the causes of rusting in metals.
-What are the uses of common alloys in the locality? -What items are made of alloys in the locality?
integrated science studies learner
-Checklists. -Oral questions. -Written tests. -Assessment rubrics.
11 1
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Carry out simple experiment on the cause of rusting on metals.
-Enjoy carrying out the experiment on causes of rusting on metals.
-Prepare the requirements for the experiment.
-Work together in carrying out the experiment on causes of rusting.
-Observe, record and Discuss the observation made after a few days.
What are the observation made from the experiment on the causes of rusting?
integrated science studies learner
-Checklists. -Demonstration. -Practical. -Observation. -Oral questions.
11 2-3
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
Metals and alloys.
Metals and alloys assessment.
Water hardness.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify the effects of rusting on metals.
- Discuss the effects of rusting on metals.
-Search the internet for information on the effects of rusting.
-Appreciate the effects of rusting on metals in the environment.
-State different ways of controlling rusting of metals in the environment.
-Discuss the different ways of controlling rusting of metals.
-Search on the internet for the information on ways of controlling rusting of metals.
-Appreciate the different ways controlling rusting of metals.
-Attempt assessment questions on the sub-strand; metals and alloys.
-Identify the physical properties of water.
-Describe the -physical properties of water.
-Search the internet for more information on physical properties of water.
-Appreciate the physical properties of water.
-Observe some of the metallic objects that have rusted.
-Identify the effects of rusting on metals.
-Use digital devices to Search for more information on the effects of rusting on metals.
-Discuss the effects of rusting on metals.
-Discuss the different ways of controlling rusting on metals.
-Use digital devices to Search for information on ways of controlling rusting on metals.
-Discuss the different ways of controlling rusting on metals.
-Answer the assessment question on the sub-strand; metals and alloys in their exercise books.
-Discuss the physical properties of water and present in class.
-Discuss the physical properties of water.
-Collect and observe water from different sources.
-Compare the water collected in terms of; appearance, odour, taste and boiling point and record the observation made and present it in class.
What are the effects of rusting on metals?
integrated science studies learner
-Oral questions. -Written questions. -Checklists. -Observation. -Assessment rubrics.
-Written questions. -Checklists. -Assessment rubrics.
11 4
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Water hardness.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-State the meaning of hard water.
-Discuss the properties of hard water.
-Search the internet for more information on properties of hardwater.
-Appreciate the properties of hardwater.
-Discuss the meaning of hardwater and Present in class.
-Use digital or print resources to Search for information on the properties of hardwater.
-Discuss the properties of hard water.
-What is hardwater? -What are the properties of hardwater?
integrated science studies learner
-Written questions. -Oral questions. -Assessment rubrics. -Checklists.
11 5
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Water hardness and softness.
Water hardness.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Explain the meaning of soft water.
-Discuss the properties of soft water.
-Search the internet for information on properties of soft water.
-Appreciate the properties of soft water.
-Conduct the soap leather test to Differentiate between hard and soft water.
-Put in group the samples of water into hard and soft water.
-Enjoy carrying out the activity on sampling hard and soft water.
-Discuss on the meaning of soft water and Present in class.
-Use digital devices to Search for information on properties of soft water.
-Discuss the properties of soft water.
-Collaborate in identifying the materials and steps to follow in conducting the soap leather test.
-Carry out activities to Compare the leathering abilities of various samples of water.
-Observe, record and Discuss their Observation.
-group the samples of water into either hard or soft water and Present in class.
What are the properties of soft water?
integrated science studies learner
-Checklists. -Oral questions. -Written questions. -Assessment rubrics.
12 1
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Water hardness.
Water hardness.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify different methods of softening water.
-Describe boiling as a method of softening temporary hard water.
-Conduct activity to soften hard water using boiling method.
-Appreciate boiling as one of the methods of softening temporary hard water.
-Describe the addition of washing soda as a method of softening temporary hard water.
-Carry out an activity to soften temporary hard water using addition of washing soda.
-Appreciate the Use of washing soda as a method of softening temporary hard water.
-Outline the steps to follow while drawing shaped blocks in oblique projection.
-the methods of softening temporary hard water in our day-to-day life.
-Use print or digital devices to Search for information on boiling as a method of softening hard water.
-Discuss boiling as a method of softening temporary hard water.
-Use digital devices to Search for information on addition of washing soda as a method of softening temporary hard water.
-Discuss addition of washing soda as a method of softening temporary hard water.
-Collaborate in conducting an activity to soften temporary hard water by adding washing soda (sodium carbonate)
How can one soften temporary hard water in the environment?
integrated science studies learner
-Demonstration. -Practical activity. -Checklists. -Oral questions. -Observation. -Written questions.
12 2-3
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Water hardness.
Water hardness.
Water hardness.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Describe distilling as a method of softening temporary hard water.
-Conduct an activity to softening temporary hard water by distilling method.
-Appreciate distilling as a method of softening temporary hard water.
-Outline the advantages and disadvantages of hard water.
-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hard water.
-Search the internet for information on the advantages and disadvantages of hard water.
-Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of hard water.
-Outline the advantages and disadvantages of soft water in our daily life.
-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of soft water.
-Search in the internet for information on the advantages and disadvantages of soft water.
-Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of soft water in our environment.
-Discuss and Present the meaning of distilling method.
-Use digital or print devices to Search for information on distilling as a method of softening temporary hard water.
-Discuss distilling method of softening temporary hard water.
-Carry out activity to soften temporary hard water using distilling method.
-Observe, record and Discuss their findings in class.
-Discuss on the advantages and disadvantages of hard water and Present them in class.
-Use digital devices and print resources to Search for advantages and disadvantages of hard water.
-Write their findings and Present them in class.
-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of soft water and Present their findings in class.
-Use digital devices to Search for information on the advantages and disadvantages of soft water.
-Write down their findings of the advantages and disadvantages of soft water in our day-to-day life.
-Discuss their findings on the advantages and disadvantages of soft water and Present in class.
-Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of soft water in our environment.
How can we soften temporary hard water using the distilling method?
-Why is hard water preferred for drinking? -What are the advantages of hard water? -What are the disadvantages of hard water?
integrated science studies learner
-Checklists. -Oral questions. -Practical activities. -Observation. -Assessment rubrics.
-Checklists. -Oral questions. -observation rubrics. -Written questions.
12 4
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Water hardness.
Water hardness.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-State the application of soft water in our day-to-day life.
-Discuss the application of soft water in our daily life.
-Search the internet for application of soft water in our daily life.
-Appreciate the application of soft water in our daily life.
-State the application of hard water in our daily life.
-Discuss the application of hard water in our daily life.
-Search the internet for the application of hard water in our daily life.
-Appreciate the Use of hard water in our daily life.
-Discuss and Present the application of soft water in our daily life.
-Use digital or print resources to Search for information on application of soft water in our daily life.
-Discuss the application of soft water in our daily life.
-Prepare charts and flashcards showing the application of soft water in our daily life.
-Discuss and Present the application of hard water in our daily life.
-Use digital devices or print resources to Search for information on application of hard water in our daily life.
-Discuss the application of hard water in our daily life.
-Prepare charts and flashcards showing the application of hard water and Present in class.
What are the applications of soft water in our daily life?
integrated science studies learner
-Written questions. -Oral questions. -Assessment rubrics. -Checklists.
12 5
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Water hardness assessment.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Attempt the assessment questions based on the sub-strand; hardness.
-Answer the assessment questions on the sub-strand; water hardness correctly.
integrated science studies learner
-Written questions. -Assessment rubrics.

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