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Short surah
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Observe pictures on leaners book and explain what is happening Explain who Abu Lahab Appreciate treating others well for peaceful co-existence Re-tell the story of Abu Lahab as told in the Quran |
Who is Abu Lahab?
Learners in class, groups, pairs, or individuals, Observe pictures on leaners book and explain what is happening
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to Re-tell the story of Abu Lahab as told in the Quran
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
1 | 2 |
Surah Masad
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain what surah masad means Discuss reasons why should wrong doers be punished. Read out loud surah masad Enjoy treating people around them well |
What lesson do we learn from the story of Abu Lahan?
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to read surah masad for memorization
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
1 | 3 |
Surah Masad
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Write the letters used in the words in leaners book Match to complete and recite verses on leaners book Discuss lessons leant form the verses. Appreciate the teachings on surah masad |
What is the meaning of the words written in Arabic on leaners book?
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to match and recite the selected Surah repeatedly for memorization
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
2 | 1 |
Surah Masad
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Read out loud surah masad Identify good deeds that Muslims should do to others Appreciate the lessons learnt from the surah and apply in day today lives. |
What have you learnt from surah mosad?
Learners in class, groups, pairs, or individuals,
read the selected surah
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to read the selected Surah repeatedly for memorization
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
2 | 2 |
Surah Nasr
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain the teachings of surah Nasr Identify verses in surah Nasr Recite surah Nasr Appreciate the teachings of Surah Nasr and apply in apply in daily lives |
What do you learn from Surah Nasr?
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals to number the verses of surah Nasr in learners
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
2 | 3 |
Surah Nasr
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain the teachings of surah Nasr Identify verses in surah Nasr Recite surah Nasr Appreciate the teachings of Surah Nasr and apply in apply in daily lives |
What do you learn from Surah Nasr?
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals to number the verses of surah Nasr in learners
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
3 | 1 |
Surah Kafirun
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify verses in surah Kafirun Copy verse on learners |
What do we learn from Surah Kafirun?
What is an idol? |
Learners to discuss the teachings of surah Kafirun
Learners to read out loud surah Kafirun
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
3 | 2 |
Surah Kafirun
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Recite surah on learners |
What does the verse say?
Learners in class, groups, pairs, or individuals to Identify missing words on the verse and complete it.
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to recite surah Kafirun repeatedly
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
3 | 3 |
Pillars of Iman
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Discuss pillars of Iman Read pillars of Iman displayed on leaners book Write the six pillars of Iman in order Live daily lives as per the pillars of Iman |
Which pillar of Iman do you know?
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to discuss the pillars of Iman
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
4 | 1 |
Siira (life of the prophet)
Early life of the prophet(SAW)
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe the life of prophet as a shepherd Discuss the life of the prophet travel to Syria Dramatize taking care of domestic animals Have fun demonstrating doing business |
Do you take care of animals?
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to dramatize taking care of domestic animals
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
4 | 2 |
Siira (life of the prophet)
Early life of the prophet(SAW)
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Read the story of the prophet on learners |
Why did the prophet travel to Syria?
Learners to read out loud the story of the prophet on learners
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
4 | 3 |
Siira (life of the prophet)
Prophet (SAW) loved peace
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Observe pictures on leaners book and explain what is happening Identify and discuss occasions when the prophet brought peace among fighting groups Appreciate living peaceful with others. |
What is peace?
Leaners to Identify and discuss occasions when the prophet brought peace among fighting groups
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
5 | 1 |
Siira (life of the prophet)
Prophet (SAW) was a honest person
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify occasions in the life of the prophet when he showed honesty Demonstrate how they show respect to elders Appreciate honesty and respect for peaceful co-existent with others |
What is honesty?
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to read the selected Surah repeatedly for memorization
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
5 | 2 |
Siira (life of the prophet)
Prophet (SAW) was loving
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Discuss the story of the prophet loving children and showing kindness by sharing with others Demonstrating kindness by sharing things with others Have fun sharing with others |
What is love?
Leaners to demonstrate kindness by sharing snacks with their classmates
Watch Video clip showing people sharing food
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
5 | 3 |
Siira (life of the prophet)
Prophet (SAW) was trustworthy
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Discuss reasons why one should be trustworthy Identify occasions that the prophet demonstrated trustworthy. Write down qualities of the prophet on their exercise books Desire to live life full of good qualities like the prophet |
What is As-Siddiq?
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, identify occasions that the prophet demonstrated trustworthy.
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
6 | 1 |
Hadith on Ihsaan
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Recite hadith on Ihsaan Explain importance of always telling the truth.\ Copy hadith on learners |
Why is it wrong to lie?
Learners to recite hadith on Ihsaan
Learners to be guided in groups to watch a video clip showing results of hiding things
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
6 | 2 |
Hadith on Ihsaan
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Recite hadith on Ihsaan Explain importance of always telling the truth.\ Copy hadith on learners |
Why is it wrong to lie?
Learners to recite hadith on Ihsaan
Learners to be guided in groups to watch a video clip showing results of hiding things
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
6 | 3 |
Hadith on honesty
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Watch a video clip of hadith on honesty Explain why they should be honest Share own stories of when they have been honest Appreciate honesty in their daily lives. |
Why should one be honest?
Learners to watch a video clip of hadith on honesty
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to Share own stories of when they have been honest
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
7-8 |
Mid term assessment |
8 | 3 |
Hadith on honesty
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Play puzzle game by finding given words on the puzzle Explain the meaning of the words on hadith in English Have fun playing puzzle game |
What does the hadith on say on honesty?
Organize learners in class, groups, pairs, or as individuals, to Play puzzle game by finding given words on the puzzle
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
9 | 1 |
Hadith on honesty
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Copy hadith on leaners book to their exercise book Explain what the hadith say Dramatize a skit showing importance of honesty Desire to always be honest for peaceful co-existence with others |
Leaners to copy hadith to their exercise books
Learners to dramatize a skit showing importance of honesty
CDs, flash cards, pocket board, Qur
oral question and observation, portfolio.
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