
Grade 5 2024

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1 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify kilometer as a unit of measuring length.
Approximate distance in kilometres.
Appreciate kilometer as a unit for measuring distance.
lesson, s :
Discuss how to measure length in kilometres.
Measure length in kilometres using a metre rule or string
Appreciate use of addition in real life
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Identify kilometer as a unit of measuring length
Learner to approximate distance in kilometres
In pairs, groups, Discuss how to measure length in kilometres
Learner to measure length in kilometres using a metre rule or string
What is a kilometre?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 92-93
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 93
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
1 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Estimate distance in kilometres
Measure the actual distance and compare with the estimated distance
Enjoy measuring and estimating distance in kilometres
In pairs, groups or as individuals measure the actual distance and compare with the estimated distance
How do you estimate distance?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 92
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
1 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Discuss the relationship between the metre and the kilometre.
Show the relationship between the metre and the kilometre.
Appreciate the relationship between the metre and the kilometre.
In pairs, groups or as individuals watch a video clip on the relationship between the metre and the kilometre.
Learner to show the relationship between the metre and the kilometre.
What is the relationship between metres and kilometres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 94
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
1 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Identify how to convert kilometres into metres
Convert kilometres to metres in different situations
Appreciate converting kilometres to metres in real life situations
Identify how to convert metres into kilometres
Convert metres into kilometres in different situations
Appreciate converting metres into kilometres in real life situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals Identify how to convert kilometres into metres.
Learner to convert kilometres to metres in different situations.
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Identify how to convert metres into kilometres.
Learner to convert metres into kilometres in different situations
How do you convert kilometres to metres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 94-95
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 95-96
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests


2 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
able to:
Tell how to add length in kilometres and metres without conversion of units.
Add length in kilometres and metres without conversion of units in different situations
Enjoy adding length in kilometres and metres in real life situation
Learner is guided in groups to tell how to add length in kilometres and metres without conversion of units.
Learner to add length in kilometres and metres without conversion of units in different situations.
How do you add length in kilometres and metres without conversion of units?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 96-97
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
2 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
able to:
Tell how to add length in kilometres and metres with conversion of units.
Add length in kilometres and metres with conversion of units in different situations
Enjoy adding length in kilometres and metres in real life situation
lesson, s :
Discuss how to subtract length in kilometres and metres without conversion.
Subtract length in kilometres and metres without conversion in different situations
Enjoy subtracting length in kilometres and metres without conversion in real life situation
Learner is guided in groups to tell how to add length in kilometres and metres with conversion of units.
Learner to add length in kilometres and metres with conversion of units in different situations.
Learner is guided in groups to discuss how to subtract length in kilometres and metres without conversion.
Learner to subtract length without conversion in kilometres and metres in different situations
How do you add length in kilometres and metres with conversion of units?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 98-99
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 100-101
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
3 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Explain how to subtract length in kilometres and metres with conversion.
Subtract length in kilometres and metres in different situations
Enjoy subtracting length in kilometres and metres in real life situation
Learner is guided in groups to discuss how to subtract length in kilometres and metres
Learner to subtract length in kilometres and metres in different situations
How do you subtract length in kilometres and metres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 101-102
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
3 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Explain how to multiply length in kilometres and metres
Multiply length in kilometres and metres in different situations
Enjoy multiplying length in kilometres and metres in real life situation.
lesson, s
Explain how to divide length in kilometres and metres
Divide length in kilometres and metres in different situations.
Enjoy dividing length in kilometres and metres in real life situation.
Learner is guided individually or in groups to multiply length in kilometres and metres in different situations
Learner is guided individually or in groups to divide length in kilometres and metres in different situations
How do you multiply length in kilometres and metres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 103-104
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 104-105
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
3 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Identify a square centimeter (cm3) as a unit of measuring area.
Use cutouts to measure area of different items
Appreciate the square centimeter as a unit of measuring area
In pairs, groups or as individuals Identify a square centimeter (cm3) as a unit of measuring area.
Learner to demonstrate using cutouts on measuring area of different items
What is area?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 106-107
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
3 4
Area-Area of a rectangle
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Prepare a 1 centimetre square.
Find the area of shapes using a1centimetre square.
Enjoy finding the area of shapes using a1centimetre square in real life situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Prepare a 1 centimetre square.
Learner to find the area of shapes using a1centimetre square.
How do you find the area of a rectangle using a centimetre square?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 107
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
3 5
Area-Area of a square
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Find the area of a rectangle and squares by counting one centimetre squares.
Discuss in groups and present findings.
Enjoy finding the area of rectangles and square in real life situations.
able to:
Discuss area of rectangles and squares as a product of rows and columns.
Calculate area of rectangles and squares as a product of rows and columns.
Appreciate area of rectangles and squares as a product of rows and columns
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Find the area of a rectangle and squares by counting one centimetre squares.
Learners to discuss in groups and present findings.
In pairs /in groups learners to discuss area of rectangles and squares as a product of rows and columns.
Learner to calculate area of rectangles and squares as a product of rows and columns.
How do you find the area of a square?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 108-109
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 110-115
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
4 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
able to:
Discuss area of rectangles and squares as a product of length and width.
Calculate area of rectangles and squares as a product of length and width
Appreciate area of rectangles and squares as a product of length and width
In pairs /in groups learners to discuss area of rectangles and squares as a product of length and width.
Learner to calculate area of rectangles and squares as a product of length and width
What is the formula for finding the area of a square?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 116-118
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
4 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
able to:
Use IT devices for learning more on calculating area and for enjoyment.
Play digital games involving area in pairs.
Appreciate calculating area in real life situations.
Identify cubic centimeter (cm3) as a unit of measuring volume.
Make a 1 centimetre cube using plasticine or clay.
Appreciate cubic centimeter (cm3) as a unit of measuring volume.
In pairs /in groups learners to use IT devices for learning more on calculating area and for enjoyment.
Learner to play digital games involving length play math puzzles.
In pairs, groups or as individuals, identify cubic centimeter (cm3) as a unit of measuring volume.
Learner to make a 1 centimetre cube using plasticine or clay.
Where area is applied in real life situations?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 118
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 119
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
4 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
able to:
Watch a video clip on how to find volume of cubes.
Use 1 cm cubes to find the volume of larger cubes and discuss findings.
Have fun finding volumes by arranging cubes.
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Observe a video clip on how to find volume.
In pairs, Use 1 cm cubes to find the volume of larger cubes and discuss findings.
How can you find volume?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 120-121
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
4 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain how to find the volume of a cuboid using 1cm cubes.
use 1 cm cubes to find the volume of larger cuboids
Enjoy calculating volume of cuboids in real life
able to:
Discuss the formula of calculating the volume of a cube and cuboids.
Calculate the volume of cube and cuboids using the formula.
Enjoy calculating volume of cube and cuboids using the formula.
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Explain how to find the volume of a cuboid.
Learner to use 1 cm cubes to find the volume of larger cuboids and discuss findings.
In pairs, groups, Discuss the formula of calculating the volume of a cube and cuboids.
Learner to calculate the volume of cube and cuboids using the formula.
How do you find the volume of a cuboid?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 121-122
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 123-126
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
4 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
able to:
Use digital devices to find more information on volume.
Play digital games involving volume for fun and enjoyment.
Appreciate solving problems involving volume.
In pairs, groups or individuals, Use digital devices to find more information on volume
Learner to play digital games involving volume for fun and enjoyment
Where is volume applied in real life?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 127-128
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
5 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify milliliter (ml) as a unit of measuring capacity.
Measure capacity in millilitres using a straw.
Appreciate millilitre as a unit of measuring capacity.
In pairs, groups or individuals identify milliliter (ml) as a unit of measuring capacity
Learner to measure capacity in millilitres using a straw.
Where do we use millilitres in real life?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 129
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
5 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
able to:
Watch a video clip on measuring capacity in millilitres using a digital device
Use small containers of different sizes to measure capacity in millilitres
Have fun measuring capacity in millilitres.
Collet small containers and estimate the capacity of each container.
Measure actual capacity of the containers and compare it with the estimated capacity.
Enjoy estimating and measuring capacity in millilitres
In pairs, groups or individuals use small containers of different sizes to measure capacity in millilitres
In pairs, groups or as individuals Collet small containers and estimate the capacity of each container.
Learner to measure actual capacity of the containers and compare it with the estimated capacity.
How do you measure capacity in millilitres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 129-130
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 130-131
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
5 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Identify the relationship between litres and millilitres
Demonstrate the relationship between litres and millilitres
Appreciate the relationship between litres and millilitres
In pairs, groups or as individuals identify the relationship between litres and millilitres
Learner to demonstrate the relationship between litres and millilitres
What is the relationship between litres and millilitres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 131-132
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
5 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Explain how to convert litres into millilitres
Convert litres into millilitres in different situations
Have fun converting litres into millilitres in real life situations
lesson, s ;
Explain how to convert millilitres into litres
Convert millilitres into litres in different situations
Have fun converting millilitres into litres in real life situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Explain how to convert litres into millilitres.
Learners to convert litres into millilitres in different situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals, explain how to convert millilitres into litres.
Learner to convert millilitres into litres in different situations
How can we convert litres into millilitres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 132-133
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 133-134
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
5 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Discuss how to add capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion
Add capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion in different situations
Appreciate adding capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion in real life situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Discuss how to add capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion.
Learner to add capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion in different situations
How can we add capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 134-135
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests


6 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Discuss how to add capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion.
Add capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion in different situations
Appreciate adding capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion in real life situations.
lesson, s :
Discuss how to subtract capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion.
Subtract capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion in different situations
Appreciate subtracting capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion in real life situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Discuss how to add capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion.
Learner to add capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion in different situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Discuss how to subtract capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion.
Learner to subtract capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion in different situations
How can we add capacity in litres and millilitres with conversion?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 136-137
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 137-138
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
6 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Discuss how to subtract capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion.
Subtract capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion.
Appreciate subtracting capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion in real life situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Discuss how to subtract capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion.
Learner to subtract capacity in litres and millilitres without conversion in different situations
How can we subtract capacity in litres and millilitres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 138-140
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
7 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Describe how to multiply capacity in litres and millilitres
Multiply capacity in litres and millilitres in different situations
Appreciate multiplying capacity in litres and millilitres in real life situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Describe how to multiply capacity in litres and millilitres.
Learner to multiply capacity in litres and millilitres in different situations.
How can we multiply capacity in litres and millilitres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 140-141
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
7 2
Mass- Gram as a unit of measuring mass
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Discuss how to divide capacity in litres and millilitres
Divide capacity in litres and millilitres in different situations
Appreciate dividing capacity in litres and millilitres in real life situations
lesson, s :
Find the meaning of gram from digital devices or dictionary.
Use a weighing balance to measure mass in grams
Appreciate mass as a unit of measuring mass,
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Discuss how to divide capacity in litres and millilitres.
Learner to divide capacity in litres and millilitres in different situations.
In pairs, groups or as individuals, Find the meaning of gram from digital devices or dictionary.
Learner to use a weighing balance to measure mass in grams
How can we divide capacity in litres and millilitres?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 142-143
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 144-145
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
7 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, s :
Measure mass in grams of different items in class
Discuss and record your results in the note book.
Enjoy measuring mass in grams in real life
In pairs, groups or as individuals measure mass in grams of different items in class
What is the importance of measuring mass?
KLB Visionary Mathematics Grade 5 page 145-146
Written tests Oral questions Observation Assessment tests
7 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Use IT devices for learning more on mass and for enjoyment
Identify the second as a unit of measuring time
In pairs or groups play digital games involving mass
In pairs, groups or as individuals carry out activities taking 10 seconds. Let learners relate the activities to what can be done in one tenth of the time taken to do the activity. The time taken is 1 second
In pairs, groups or as individuals measure time taken to do various activities in seconds
What is the importance of measuring mass?
KICD Mathematics Curriculum Design
Written exercises Oral questions Observation Group discussion Project
7 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the relationship between the minute and the second in real life situations
In pairs or groups or as individuals establish the relationship between seconds and minute using a clock or stop watch, watches
How can we read time?
KICD Mathematics Curriculum Design
Written exercises Oral questions Observation Group discussion Project
8 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Convert minutes to seconds and seconds to minutes in real life
Add minutes and seconds with conversion in real life situations
In pairs or groups or as individuals establish the relationship between seconds and minute using a clock or stop watch, watches
In pairs, groups or as individuals determine time durations in minutes and seconds using different operations in real life situations
How can we read time?
KICD Mathematics Curriculum Design
Written exercises Oral questions Observation Group discussion Project
8 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Subtract minutes and seconds with conversion in real life situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals determine time durations in minutes and seconds using different operations in real life situations
How can we read time?
KICD Mathematics Curriculum Design
Written exercises Oral questions Observation Group discussion Project
8 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Multiply minutes and seconds by whole numbers in real life situations
In pairs, groups or as individuals determine time durations in minutes and seconds using different operations in real life situations
How can we read time?
KICD Mathematics Curriculum Design
Written exercises Oral questions Observation Group discussion Project
8 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Divide minutes and seconds by whole numbers in real life situations
Use IT devices in learning more on time and enjoyment
In pairs, groups or as individuals determine time durations in minutes and seconds using different operations in real life situations
In pairs or as individuals use IT devices to play games involving time.
How can we read time?
KICD Mathematics Curriculum Design
Written exercises Oral questions Observation Group discussion Project
8 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

appreciate use of minutes and seconds as units of measuring time in real life situations
In pairs or as individuals use IT devices to play games involving time.
How can we read time?
KICD Mathematics Curriculum Design
Written exercises Oral questions Observation Group discussion Project


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