
Grade 8 2024

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1 1
Living things
The cell
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define the term cell
Compare plant and animal cell as observed under a light microscope
Calculate the magnification of cells seen under light microscope
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to identify the cell membrane found in a cell. 

In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to state the structures of the cell membrane.
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Apparatus and
Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
1 2
Living things
Components of a cell
Types of cells
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the components of a cell
Compare plant and animal cell as observed under a light microscope
Calculate the magnification of cells seen under light microscope
Appreciate the importance of using light microscope
Draw the animal and plant cell
Appreciate the importance of using the light microscope
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to use the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJfTDc3WzQ8
and watch the video.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to describe the properties of a cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to investigate the structures of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to draw the structure of a
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70
Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
1 3
Living things
Functions of a cell
Difference between plant and Animal cell
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the components of a cell
Compare plant and animal cell as observed under a light microscope
Calculate the magnification of cells seen under light microscope
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
Draw plant and animal cell
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to draw an animal cell.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to. name the structures of an animal cell
guided to state the differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.
guided to recognise the differences between plant and animal cell.
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Apparatus and
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70
Applications Teacher Observations project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
1 4
Living things
Organelles in plant cell
Organelles in animal
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the organelles in a plant cell
Draw the major organelles in a cell
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
Identify the functions of the major organelles in a plant cell
Watch a video showing the plant cell
Identify the major organelles in animal cell
Draw the major organelles in an animal cell
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to identify the requirements needed to observe a plant cell under a
light microscope.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to outline the procedure of observing a plant cell under a light
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to observe a plant cell under a light microscope.
guided to draw a plant cell.
guided to name the structures of a plant cell.
guided to state the functions of the parts of a plant cell.
guided to draw an animal cell.
guided to. name the structures of an animal cell
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Applications Teacher Observations Project Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions
2 1
Living things
Difference between the plant and animal cell
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Compare plant and animal cell as observed under a light microscope
Identify the difference between plant and animal cell
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
Define the term nucleus
Draw the nucleus as seen under light microscope
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to state the differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to recognise the differences between plant and animal cell.
guided to draw a nucleus
guided to. name the structures of a nucleus
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Relevant reading materials
Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
2 2
Living things
Functions of nucleus
Functions of nucleus
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the functions of nucleus
Search in the internet the functions of nucleus
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
Define the term cell
Compare plant and animal cells as observed under a light microscope
Calculate the magnification of cells seen under light microscope
Appreciate the use of a light microscope in microscope in magnification
In groups or in pairs, learners are
guided to draw a nucleus and name various parts of a nucleus
guided to name various functions of parts of a nucleus
Why is light microscope important in our day to day life
Selected specimens
Candle wax
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Equipment Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade8 pg. 69-70 Laboratory
Apparatus and
Spotlight Basic Laboratory
Relevant reading materials
Applications Teacher Observations Project Journals Portfolio Oral or Aural Questions Learner's Project
2 3
Living things and their environment
Magnification of a cell as seen under the light microscope
Movement of materials un and out of the cells; The cell membrane
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Define the term magnification.
State the formula of calculating magnification.
Calculate the magnification of a microscope.
Appreciate the importance of magnification.
Answer topical questions correctly.
Identify the cell membrane found in a cell.
State the structures of the cell membrane.
Draw the structure of a cell as shown in learner's book 8 page 63
Appreciate the structure of a cell.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to define the term magnification.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the formula of calculating magnification.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to calculate the magnification of a microscope.
Learners are guided to answer topical questions correctly
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to identify the cell membrane found in a cell.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the structures of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to draw the structure of a cell as shown in learner's book 8 page 63
How do you calculate the magnification of a microscope?
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 60-61
Computing devices
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 62
Assessment books.
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 63-64
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
2 4
Living things and their environment
Properties of a cell membrane
Effects of heat on the cell membrane
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Use the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJfTDc3WzQ8 and watch the video.
Describe the properties of a cell membrane.
Investigate the structures of the cell membrane.
Appreciate the properties of a cell membrane.
State the requirements needed to investigate how heat affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
Outline the procedure of investigating how heat affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
Investigate how heat affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
Appreciate effects of heat on the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to use the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJfTDc3WzQ8 and watch the video.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to describe the properties of a cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to investigate the structures of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the requirements needed to investigate how heat affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to outline the procedure of investigating how heat affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to investigate how heat affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
What are the properties of a cell membrane?
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 63-64
Computing devices
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 64-66
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
3 1
Living things and their environment
Effects of alkali on the cell membrane
Effects of dilute acid on the cell membrane
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the requirements needed to investigate how alkali affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
Outline the procedure of investigating how alkali affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
Investigate how alkali affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
Appreciate effects of alkali on the cell membrane.
State the requirements needed to investigate how dilute acids affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
Outline the procedure of investigating how dilute acids affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
Investigate how dilute acids affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
Appreciate effects of dilute acids on the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the requirements needed to investigate how alkali affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to outline the procedure of investigating how alkali affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to investigate how alkali affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the requirements needed to investigate how dilute acids affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to outline the procedure of investigating how dilute acids affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to investigate how dilute acids affects the functioning of the cell membrane.
How does alkali affect the functioning of the cell membrane?
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 66-68
Computing devices
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 68-70
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
3 2
Living things and their environment
How to demonstrate diffusion
Factors that affect diffusion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain the meaning of diffusion.
Discuss the meaning of aroma.
Do Activity 3 in learner's book 8 page 71
Have a desire to learn more about diffusion.
Outline the procedure of demonstrating diffusion.
State the safety precautions to be observed.
Demonstrate the process of diffusion.
Appreciate the importance of diffusion.
Describe the factors that affect diffusion.
State the factors that increase the rate of diffusion.
Recognise the factors that decrease the rate of diffusion.
Appreciate the factors that affect diffusion.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to explain the meaning of diffusion.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to discuss the meaning of aroma.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to do Activity 3 in learner's book 8 page 71
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to outline the procedure of demonstrating diffusion.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the safety precautions to be observed.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to demonstrate the process of diffusion.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to describe the factors that affect diffusion.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the factors that increase the rate of diffusion.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to recognise the factors that decrease the rate of diffusion.
What is diffusion?
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 71
Computing devices
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 71-72
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 72-73
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
3 3
Living things and their environment
Role of diffusion in living organism
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Use the link: https://youtu.be/6qnSsV2syUE to watch how gases are exchanged in human lungs.
Discuss role of diffusion in plants.
Explain the role of diffusion in living organisms.
Enjoy using digital devices.
Explain the meaning of osmosis.
State the process of osmosis.
Demonstrate the process of osmosis.
Have a desire to learn more about osmosis.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to use the link: https://youtu.be/6qnSsV2syUE to watch how gases are exchanged in human lungs.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to discuss role of diffusion in plants.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to explain the role of diffusion in living organisms.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to explain the meaning of osmosis.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the process of osmosis.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to demonstrate the process of osmosis.
What is the role of diffusion in plants?
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 73-75
Computing devices
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 75-77
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
3 4
Living things and their environment
How to demonstrate osmosis using plant materials
Factors that affect osmosis
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the requirements needed to demonstrate osmosis using plant materials.
Outline the procedure to demonstrate osmosis using plant materials.
Demonstrate osmosis using plant materials.
Have fun and enjoy the experiment.
Describe the factors that affect osmosis.
Identify the factors that increase the rate of osmosis.
Recognise the factors that decrease the rate of osmosis.
Appreciate the factors that affect osmosis.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the requirements needed to demonstrate osmosis using plant materials.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to outline the procedure to demonstrate osmosis using plant materials.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to demonstrate osmosis using plant materials.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to describe the factors that affect osmosis.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to identify the factors that increase the rate of osmosis.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to recognise the factors that decrease the rate of osmosis.
How do you demonstrate osmosis using plant materials?
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 78-80
Computing devices
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 80-81
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
4 1
Living things and their environment
Role of osmosis in living organisms
Changes that occur in the plant leaves at different times
Observing the changes that occur on plant leaves at different times.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain the role of osmosis in living organisms.
Discuss the role of osmosis in living plants.
Recognise the role of osmosis in living animals.
Appreciate the role of osmosis in living organisms.
State the importance of plants.
Name the process that affects plants when making food.
Investigate what affects plants when making food.
Appreciate the importance of plants.
Draw the diagrams in leaner's book 8 page 83
Observe the changes that occur on plant leaves at different times.
Describe the observable changes on the leaves at different times.
Appreciate the changes that occur on plant leaves at different times.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to explain the role of osmosis in living organisms.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to discuss the role of osmosis in living plants.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to recognise the role of osmosis in living animals.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the importance of plants.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to name the process that affects plants when making food.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to investigate what affects plants when making food.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to draw the diagrams in leaner's book 8 page 83
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to observe the changes that occur on plant leaves at different times.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to describe the observable changes on the leaves at different times.
What is the role of osmosis in living organisms?
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 81-82
Computing devices
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 82
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 83-84
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
4 2
Living things and their environment
Observing the changes that take place in the plant leaves at different times.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Observe the changes that take place in the plant leaves at different times.
State the importance of diffusion in one's body.
Appreciate the importance of diffusion.
Answer topical questions correctly.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to observe the changes that take place in the plant leaves at different times.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the importance of diffusion in one's body.
Learners are guided to answer topical questions correctly
How do you think the rate of loss of water by the leaves affects the shape of the leaves at different times?
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 84
Computing devices
Mentor; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 85
Assessment books
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
4 3
Living things and their environment.
Living things and their environment
Menstrual cycle in human beings
Menstrual cycle in human beings
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Discuss human menstrual cycle using flashcards with information about human menstruation.
Describe the menstrual cycle in human beings.
Appreciate menstruation in human beings
Search the internet for information about menstrual cycle
Watch a video on the menstrual cycle and note down the findings
Enjoy presenting their findings in class.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to discuss human menstrual cycle using flashcards with information about human menstruation.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to write down the meaning of menstruation and human menstruation cycle.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to describe the menstrual cycle in human beings.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to search the internet for information about menstrual cycle.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to watch a video on the menstrual cycle and note down the findings
What is the meaning of menstruation?
Curriculum design; Integrated Science Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
4 4
Living things and their environment
Menstrual cycle in human beings
Challenges related to menstrual process
How to manage challenges related to menstrual cycle
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Name menstrual phases in a human menstrual cycle in a wheel chart.
Write down the events that take place in the phases of the human menstrual cycle.
Describe the events that take place in the phases identified
Appreciate the human menstrual cycle.
Identify the major challenges in relation to menstruation
Describe challenges related to the menstrual cycle
Make discussion cards with information on challenges related to menstrual cycle
Write down short notes on how to manage challenges related to menstrual cycle
Appreciate the ways to manage the challenges related to the human menstrual cycle.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to name menstrual phases in a human menstrual cycle in a wheel chart.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to describe the events that take place in the phases identified.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to write down the events that take place in the phases of the human menstrual cycle.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to identify the major challenges in relation to menstruation.

Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to discuss various challenges related to the menstrual cycle and write short notes.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to describe challenges related to the menstrual cycle.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to make discussion cards with information on challenges related to menstrual cycle.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to search the internet for information on how to manage challenges related to menstrual cycle.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to write down short notes on how to manage challenges related to menstrual cycle.
How many phases are in the human menstrual cycle?
Curriculum design; Integrated Science Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
5 1
Living things and their environment
Project: Improvising a sanitary towel
Fertilization and implantation
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Draw and cut out sanitary towel template and trace the sanitary towel
Improvise a sanitary towel using cotton fabrics, face towels and safety pins
Take pride in and display the improvised sanitary towel.
Name the two main processes in the reproductive process
Use digital devices to observe animations showing fertilization and implantation
Appreciate reproduction in human beings.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to draw and cut out sanitary towel template and trace the sanitary towel
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to improvise a sanitary towel using cotton fabrics, face towels and safety pins and display the improvised sanitary towel.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to name the two main processes in the reproductive process.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to use digital devices to observe animations showing fertilization and implantation.
Individually, learners to write down how fertilization takes place in human beings.
How is safety ensured when improvising the sanitary towel?
Curriculum design; Integrated Science Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
5 2
Living things and their environment
Human Reproductive Health
Fertilization and implantation
Sex related challenges
Pubertal growth and development
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Discuss the events that take place during implantation process
Present on a table the stages, time after fertilization and the process taking place in the human body
Appreciate reproduction in human beings.
Say the meaning of the terms: hermaphrodite and intersex people
Describe how hermaphrodite and intersex persons differ from a normal male or female
Reflect on sex related challenges .
Define the term puberty.
Identify physical, emotional and social changes during puberty in both boys and girls.
Classify the changes as physical, emotional or social.
Appreciate the importance of puberty.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to read reference materials with information about implantation in human beings
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to discuss the events that take place during implantation process.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to present on a table the stages, time after fertilization and the process taking place in the human body.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to say the meaning of the terms: hermaphrodite and intersex people.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to describe how hermaphrodite and intersex persons differ from a normal male or female.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to write short notes about how to manage sex related challenges.
Learners to define the term puberty.
Learners are guided to identify physical, emotional and social changes during puberty in both boys and girls.
Learners are guided to classify the changes as physical, emotional or social.
What happens at stage d after fertilization?
Curriculum design; Integrated Science Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
5 3
Human Reproductive Health
Personal hygiene needs during puberty
Myths and misconceptions on menstrual experience in the community.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify personal hygiene that needs to be associated with the onset of puberty.
Mention the measures for management of menstrual hygiene for personal growth.
Suggest how re-usable sanitary towels should be taken care of.
Appreciate personal hygiene needed during puberty.
Define the term myths and misconceptions.
Identify the stages for identifying intersex persons.
Discuss the myths and misconceptions about menstrual experience.
Appreciate puberty as a stage in personal growth and development.
Learners are guided to identify personal hygiene that needs to be associated with the onset of puberty.
Learners are guided to mention the measures for management of menstrual hygiene for personal growth.
Learners are guided to suggest how re-usable sanitary towels should be taken care of.
Learners to define the term myths and misconceptions.
Learners are guided to identify the stages for identifying intersex persons.
In groups, learners to discuss the myths and misconceptions about menstrual experience.
How do you ensure that your mouth is clean and you have a fresh breath?
Curriculum design; Integrated Science Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
5 4
Human Reproductive Health
Importance of reproductive health in the community
Myths and misconceptions about reproductive health in the community
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the importance reproductive health in the community.
State the effects of harmful practices on reproductive health.
Create posters condemning practices such as female genital mutilation and early marriages.
Appreciate practices that enhances reproductive health.
Identify myths and misconceptions about reproductive health in the community.
Compose songs and poems with information on positive reproductive health practices.
Appreciate puberty as a stage in personal growth and development.
Learners to state the importance reproductive health in the community.
Learners to state the effects of harmful practices on reproductive health.
In groups or in pairs, learners to create posters condemning practices such as female genital mutilation and early marriages.
Learners to identify myths posters condemning practices such as female genital mutilation and early marriages.
In groups or in pairs, learners to compose songs and poems with information on positive reproductive health practices.
Why is reproductive health important in the community? What are the effects of early pregnancies?
Curriculum design; Integrated Science Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
6 1
Force and energy
Force and Energy: Transformation of energy; Forms of energy
Renewable energy sources
Non-renewable energy sources
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the forms of energy in their environment.
Study the pictures in learner's book 8 involving various forms of energy.
Appreciate the forms of energy in their environment.
Explain the meaning of renewable energy sources.
Recognise the importance of renewable energy sources.
Appreciate the use of renewable energy sources.
Explain the meaning of non-renewable energy sources.
Recognise the importance of non-renewable energy sources.
Appreciate the use of non-renewable energy sources.
In their groups, learners are guided to identify the forms of energy in their environment.
In their groups, learners are guided to study the pictures in learner's book 8 involving various forms of energy.
In their groups, learners are guided to do the tasks in learner's book 8 page 131
In groups, learners are guided to explain the meaning of renewable energy sources.
In groups, learners are guided to recognise the importance of renewable energy sources.
In groups, learners are guided to give examples of renewable energy sources.
In groups, learners are guided to explain the meaning of non-renewable energy sources.
In groups, learners are guided to recognise the importance of non-renewable energy sources.
In groups, learners are guided to give examples of non-renewable energy sources.
What is energy? What are the forms of energy in the environment?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 130-132
Computing devices
Curriculum design; Integrated Science Grade 8
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
6 2
Force and energy
Classification of renewable and non-renewable energy sources
Energy transformations in nature.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
Classify energy sources in nature into renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
Appreciate the importance of energy sources in nature.
Explain the meaning of energy transformation.
Demonstrate energy transformations using locally available materials.
Have a desire to learn more about energy transformation.
In groups, learners are guided to state the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
In groups, learners are guided to outline the importance of renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
In groups, learners are guided to classify energy sources in nature into renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
In groups, learners are guided to explain the meaning of energy transformation.
In groups, learners are guided to identify energy transformations in nature.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate energy transformations using locally available materials.
What are the importance of energy sources in the environment?
Curriculum design; Integrated Science Grade 8
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 132
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
6 3
Force and energy
Energy transformations using materials in their locality
Energy transformations using materials in their locality
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the materials needed to demonstrate the energy transformations in a falling object.
Demonstrate the energy transformations in a falling object.
Have fun and enjoy doing the experiment.
State the materials needed to demonstrate the energy transformations in a swinging objects.
Demonstrate the energy transformations in a swinging objects.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials needed to demonstrate the energy transformations in a falling object.
In groups, learners are guided to outline the procedure of investigating energy transformations in a falling object.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate the energy transformations in a falling object.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials needed to demonstrate the energy transformations in a swinging objects.
In groups, learners are guided to outline the procedure of investigating energy transformations in a swinging objects.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate the energy transformations in a swinging objects.
Which other locally available can you use to demonstrate the energy transformations in a falling objects?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 133
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 134-135
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
6 4
Force and energy
Energy transformations using materials in their locality
Appliances whose working relies on energy transformations.
Digital Activity
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the materials needed to demonstrate the energy transformations in a simple steam-driven turbine.
Demonstrate the energy transformations in a simple steam-driven turbine.
Have fun and enjoy doing the experiment.
Identify appliances whose working relies on energy transformations.
Draw the appliances in learner's book 8.
Appreciate the use of appliances whose working relies on energy transformations.
Use their digital devices, learners to search the internet for information on dangers associated with energy transformation and strategies of preventing them.
Write down their findings.
Appreciate the use of digital devices.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials needed to demonstrate the energy transformations in a simple steam-driven turbine.
In groups, learners are guided to outline the procedure of investigating energy transformations in a simple steam-driven turbine.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate the energy transformations in a simple steam-driven turbine.
In groups, learners are guided to identify appliances whose working relies on energy transformations.
In groups, learners are guided to draw the appliances in learner's book 8 page 138
In groups, learners are guided to discuss and write the energy transformations that take place when the appliances are in use.
As a class, learners are guided to use their digital devices, learners to search the internet for information on dangers associated with energy transformation and strategies of preventing them.
As a class, learners are guided to write down their findings.
In groups, learners to share their findings with their classmates.
Which other locally available can you use to demonstrate the energy transformations in a simple steam-driven turbine?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 135-138
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 138-139
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 139
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
7 1
Force and energy
Safety measures associated with energy transformation.
Safety measures associated with energy transformation.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Discuss the safety measures associated with energy transformation.
Study the pictures in learner's book 8
Appreciate the safety measures associated with energy transformation.
Read the report in learner's book 8
Demonstrate the steps to follow when lighting a gas cooker.
Appreciate the importance of preventing dangers associated with energy transformation.
In groups, learners to discuss the safety measures associated with energy transformation.
In groups, learners to study the pictures in learner's book 8 page 141
In groups, learners to state the importance of observing safety measures associated with energy transformation.
In groups, learners are guided to read the report in learner's book 8 page 142
In groups, learners are guided to list the dangers associated with the energy transformations processes and state their preventive measures.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate the steps to follow when lighting a gas cooker.
Why is it important to observe safety measures associated with energy transformation?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 141-142
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 142-144
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
7 2
Force and energy
Application of energy transformation.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Read the paragraph in learner's book 8
Make a poster appreciating the application of energy transformation processes.
Appreciate the application of energy transformation.
Discuss the meaning of pressure.
Read the discussion in learner's book 8
Have a desire to learn more about pressure.
In groups, learners are guided to read the paragraph in learner's book 8 page 144
In groups, learners are guided to give examples of applications of energy transformation.
In groups, learners are guided to make a poster appreciating the application of energy transformation processes.
In groups, learners are guided to discuss the meaning of pressure.
In groups, learners are guided to read the discussion in learner's book 8 page 148
In groups, learners are guided to answer the questions that follows.
What are some of the applications of energy transformation?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 144-147
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 147-149
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
7 3
Force and energy
Describing pressure in solids
Describing pressure in liquids
To describe pressure in liquids using glass tubes and balloons
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the materials needed to demonstrate and describe pressure in solids.
Demonstrate pressure in solids.
Have fun and enjoy doing the experiment.
State the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in liquids.
Investigate pressure in liquids.
Appreciate the importance of pressure in liquids.
State the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in liquids using glass tubes and balloons.
Investigate pressure in liquids using glass tubes and balloons.
Have fun and enjoy conducting the experiment.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials needed to demonstrate and describe pressure in solids.
In groups, learners are guided to outline the procedure of demonstrating pressure in solids.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate pressure in solids.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in liquids.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate pressure in liquids.
In groups, learners are guided to describe pressure in liquids.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in liquids using glass tubes and balloons.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate pressure in liquids using glass tubes and balloons.
In groups, learners are guided to describe pressure in liquids using glass tubes and balloons.
Between the blunt and sharp pencil, which one easily pierces the carton box?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 149-151
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 151-152
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 152-153
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
7 4
Force and energy
To describe pressure in liquids using a tin.
Determining pressure in solids and liquids
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in liquids using a tin.
Investigate pressure in liquids using a tin.
Appreciate the importance of pressure in liquids.
State the formula of pressure, P
Work out SI unit of pressure.
Have a desire to learn more about pressure in solids.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in liquids using a tin.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate pressure in liquids using a tin.
In groups, learners are guided to describe pressure in liquids using a tin.
In groups, learners are guided to state the formula of pressure, P
In groups, learners are guided to explain the meaning of SI unit of force.
In groups, learners are guided to work out SI unit of pressure.
How do you describe pressure in liquids?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 153-154
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 154
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
8 1
Force and energy
Determining pressure in solids
To determine pressure in a regular solid
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in solids.
Investigate pressure in solids.
Appreciate the importance of pressure in solids.
State the materials and requirements needed to determine pressure in a regular solid.
Investigate pressure in a regular solid.
Have fun and enjoy the experiment.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in solids.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate pressure in solids.
In groups, learners are guided to determine pressure in solids.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials and requirements needed to determine pressure in a regular solid.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate pressure in a regular solid.
In groups, learners are guided to calculate the pressure exerted by each surface area using the formula.
What have you learnt about pressure in solids?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 155
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 155-157
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
8 2
Force and energy
To determine pressure in similar solids.
Determining pressure in liquids; Using a tin to investigate variation of pressure in liquids.
To investigate the relationship of pressure in liquids to its depth and density using a tall glass jar.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in similar solids.
Investigate pressure in similar solids.
Appreciate the importance of pressure in similar solids.
State the materials and requirements needed to investigate variation of pressure in liquids.
Investigate variation of pressure in liquids.
Appreciate the importance of variation of pressure in liquids.
State the materials and requirements needed to investigate the relationship of pressure in liquids to its depth and density using a tall glass jar.
Investigate the relationship of pressure in liquids to its depth and density using a tall glass jar.
Appreciate the importance of pressure in liquids to its depth and density using a tall glass jar.
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials and requirements needed to investigate pressure in similar solids.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate pressure in similar solids.
In groups, learners are guided to copy and complete the table in learner's book 8 page 158
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials and requirements needed to investigate variation of pressure in liquids.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate variation of pressure in liquids.
In groups, learners are guided to copy and complete the table in learner's book 8 page 160
In groups, learners are guided to state the materials and requirements needed to investigate the relationship of pressure in liquids to its depth and density using a tall glass jar.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate the relationship of pressure in liquids to its depth and density using a tall glass jar.
In groups, learners are guided to discuss their observations with their classmates.
Relate the weight of the blocks of wood with the calculated pressure. What do you notice?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 157-158
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 158-160
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 160-161
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
8 3
Force and energy
Solving numerical problems involving pressure.
Solving numerical problems involving pressure using a formula
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the formula to solve numerical problems involving pressure in solids.
Work out the surface area of the smallest face in m
State the formula of working out pressure
Solve numerical problems involving pressure using the formula.
Enjoy solving numerical problems involving pressure using the formula.
In groups, learners are guided to state the formula to solve numerical problems involving pressure in solids.

In groups, learners are guided to work out the surface area of the smallest face in m
Individually, learners are guided to state the formula of working out pressure
Individually, learners are guided to solve numerical problems involving pressure using the formula.
Individually, learners are guided to show their work to their teacher.
What is the surface area of the smallest face in m
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 161-163
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 163-164
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
8 4
Force and energy
Pressure formula in liquids.
Solve numerical problems involving pressure using formula
Applications of pressure in solids.
Applications of pressure in liquids.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the formula to solve numerical problems involving pressure in liquids.
Work out pressure in liquids.
Enjoy solving numerical problems involving pressure in liquids.
State the formula of working out pressure using the formula.
Solve numerical problems involving pressure using the formula.
Appreciate the importance of numerical problems.
Identify the applications of pressure in solids.
Summarise the applications of pressure in solids.
Appreciate the applications of pressure in solids.
Identify the applications of pressure in liquids.
Summarise the applications of pressure in liquids.
Appreciate the applications of pressure in liquids.
In groups, learners are guided to state the formula to solve numerical problems involving pressure in liquids.
In groups, learners are guided to work out pressure in liquids.
In groups, learners are guided to work out the examples in learner's book 8 page 166
Individually, learners are guided to state the formula of working out pressure using the formula, P = H
In groups, learners are guided to identify the applications of pressure in solids.
In groups, learners are guided to study the pictures in learner's book 8 page 168
In groups, learners are guided to summarise the applications of pressure in solids.
In groups, learners are guided to identify the applications of pressure in liquids.
In groups, learners are guided to study the pictures in learner's book 8 page 169.
In groups, learners are guided to summarise the applications of pressure in liquids.
What is the formula of working pressure in liquids?
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 164-166
Computing devices
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 167
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 167-169
Spotlight; Integrated Science Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 169-171
Oral questions Oral Report Observation


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