
Form 3 2024

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3 1
History Of Islam
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Islam In East Africa
Muslim Scholars
Muslim Scholars
Muslim Scholars
Muslim Scholars
Muslim Scholars
Muslim Scholars
Muslim Scholars
Selected Ummayyad rulers - Mu
Selected Ummayyad rulers -Abdul Malik bin Marwan -Umar bin Abdulaziz
Spread of Islam in the interior of Kenya -North Eastern - Central
Spread of Islam in the interior of Kenya -North Eastern - Central
- Western Kenya
- Western Kenya
- Western Kenya
Islam in Uganda---The role of Kabaka Mutesa I
-The influence of Christianity in Uganda
Spread of Islam in the interior of Tanzania Ujiji
Spread of Islam in the interior of Tanzania Ujiji
Spread of Islam in the interior of Tanzania Ujiji
- Spread of Islam in the interior of Tanzania -Tabora
- Spread of Islam in the interior of Tanzania -Tabora
- Spread of Islam in the interior of Tanzania -Tabora
Spread of Islam in the interior of Tanzania -Role of Akidas and Jumbes
Contributions of muslims in East Africa -Political
Contributions of muslims in East Africa -Social
Contributions of muslims in East Africa -Economic
Challenges faced by Muslims in East Africa
Uthman Dan Fodio
Uthman Dan Fodio
Uthman Dan Fodio
Imam Al Ghazali
Imam Al Ghazali
Imam Al Ghazali
Imam Al Ghazali
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
able to;
- describe the biographies of the selected Ummayad rulers
describe the biographies of the selected Ummayad rulers
-Explain the factors that influenced the spread of Islam in North Eastern and Central

Examine the contributions of Muslims in these regions
-Identify the challenges faced by Muslims in these regions
-Explain the factors that influenced the spread of Islam in Western Kenya
Identify the challenges faced by Muslims in these regions
-Examine the role of Kabaka Mutesa in development of Islam in Uganda
-Identify the challenges faced by Muslims in Uganda
Examine the contributions of Muslims in these region
Identify the challenges faced by Muslims in these region
-Explain the factors that influenced the spread of Islam in Tabora
-Examine the Role of Akidas and Jumbes in development of Islam inTanzania
-Examine political contributions of muslims in East Africa
Examine social contributions of muslims in East Africa
Examine economic contributions of muslims in East Africa
able to ;
-Identify Challenges faced by Muslims in East Africa
-Demonstrate ability in answering exam questions on History of Islam
- Give a brief biography of Uthman Dan Fodio
- Outline the works and contribution of Uthman Dan Fodio
-- - Outline the works and contribution of Uthman Dan Fodio
- Appreciate and aspire to emulate muslim scholars
- Give a brief biography of Imam Al Ghazali
- Outline the works and contributions of Imam Al Ghazali to Islam
- Outline the works and contribution of Imam Al Ghazali to Islam
-Asking and answering oral questions
-note taking
-Asking and answering oral questions
-Answering oral and written questions
-Revising test items
- -note taking
-Lesson notes
-pupils text book
-Lesson notes
Lesson notes
IRE ppls bk F3 by A.Saman :JURREY PUBLISHERS pg76


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