
Grade 9 2025

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2 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Make a number chart with integers.
-Add any two integers from the chart.
-Appreciate the use of integers in real life situation.

-Make number chart with integers.
-Substract any two integers from the chart.
-Appreciate the use of integers in real life.
In pairs, learners are guided to;
-Make a number chart with integers.
-Add any two integers from the chart.
In pair,learners are guided to
-Subtract any two integers from the chart.
How do we carry out the addition of integers in real life situation?
-Top scholar mathematics pg.
curriculum design.
-Place value chart.
-Top scholar mathematics grade 9
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Class activities. -Making a number chart. -Written exercise.
2 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Make number cards with integers.
-Determine the product of each multiplication.
-Appreciate the use of integers in real life situation.
-Make number cards with division statement integers.
-Determine division of integers.
-appreciate the use of integers in real life situation.
In pairs,learners are guided to;
-Make number cards with integers.
-Determine the product of each multiplication.
In groups, learners are guided to;
-Make number cards with division statements integers.
-Determine division of integers.
-How do we carry out multiplication of integers in real life situation?
-Top scholar mathematics grade 9 pg
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Place value chart.
-Curriculum design 9.
-Written exercise. -Class activities.
2 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Make number cards with integers.
-Work out combined operations of integers in different situation.
-Appreciate the use of integers in real life situation.
-Discuss situations in real life where we apply or use INTEGERS.
-Carry out activities such as read temperature changes in a thermometer.
-Apply integers in real life situations.
In groups, learners are guided on; -Making number cards.
-Working out combined operations on integers in different situations.
In groups,learners are guided to;
-Discuss situations in real life where we apply INTEGERS.
-Carry out activities such as reading temperature change in a thermometer.
-How do we carry out combined operations of integers in real life?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Place value chart.
-Written exercise. -Class activities.
2 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Use stacks of cubes to demonstrate the concept of cube.
-Work out cubes of numbers by multiplication in real life.
-Apply cubes in real life situations.
-Determine cubes of numbers from mathematical tables in different situations.
In pairs,learners are guided to;
-Use status of cubes to demonstrate the concept of cube.
-In pairs,work out cubes of numbers by multiplication in real life situations.
In pairs,learners are guided to ;
-Use stack of cubes to demonstrate the concept of cube.
-Determine cubes of numbers from mathematical tables in different situations.
-How do we work out the cubes of numbers by multiplication?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Place value chart.
-Written exercise. -Oral questions.
2 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Discuss how to determine the volume of a cube.
-Determine cubes of numbers by factor method in different situations.
-Appreciate cubes in real life situations.
In pairs,groups or individually, learner are guided;
-Discuss how to determine the volume of a cube.
-Determine the cube of numbers by factor method in different situations.
-How do we work out the cubes of numbers by factor method?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Place value chart.
-Written exercise. -Oral questions
3 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Determine both cube and cube root of a number and relate the relate the two.
-Determine cube root of numbers from mathematical table.
-Apply cube roots in real life situation.
-Use scientific calculator to work out problems on cube and cube roots of numbers.
-Determine cubes an cube roots of different numbers using a calculator.
-Appreciate use of calculator in working out cubes of different numbers.
In pairs and individually, learner are guided to;
-Determine both the cube and cube roots of a cube and relate the two.
-Determine cube roots of numbers from mathematical table.
In pairs or individually,
-Discuss how to use a scientific calculator in calculating cubes and cube roots of different numbers.
-Determine cube and cube roots of different numbers using a calculator.
-How do we use mathematical table to find the cube or cube root of a number?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Place value chart.
-Written exercise. -Answering Oral questions.
3 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Discuss where cube and cube roots can be applied in real life.
-Determine cubes and cube roots of numbers from real life examples in different situations.
-apply cubes and cube roots in real life situation.

-Discuss indices and identify the base.
-Express numbers in index form in different situation.
-Appreciate the use of indices and logariths in real life situations.
In groups or pairs,learners are guided to;
-Discuss where cube and cube roots applies.
-Determine cubes and cube roots of numbers from real life examples.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to:
-Discuss indices and identify the base.
-Express numbers in index form in different situation.
-where do we apply cubes and cube roots in real life situation?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Place value chart.
-Multiplication tables.
-Written exercise. -Class activities.
3 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Generate indices and identify the base.
-Express numbers in index form in different situations.
-Appreciate the use of indices and logarithms in real life situations.
-State the division law of indices.
-Apply the laws of indices using division in different situations.
-Appreciate the use of indices in real life situations.
In groups or pairs,learners are guided;
-Come up with or generate the laws of indices in multiplication.
-Apply the laws of indices using multiplication.
-Apply the laws of indices using multiplication in different situations.
In groups,learners are guided to;
-Apply laws of indices in division.
-What is the laws of indices from multiplication?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Place value chart.
-Written exercises. -Oral questions.
3 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-State the division law of indices.
-Apply the laws of indices using division in different situations.
-Appreciate the use of indices in real life situations.
-Express logarithms in index form.
- Relate powers of 10 to common logarithms in different situations.
- Appreciate the use of indices and logarithms in real life situations.
In groups learners are guided to;
-Use the laws of indices to work out various problems on indices.
-Apply the laws of indices in different life situation.
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to:
-Express logarithm in index form
- Relate powers of 10 to common logarithms in different situations.
-where do we apply the laws of indices?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Place value chart.
-Mathematical table.
-Written exercise.
3 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Express index form into logarithms.
- Relate powers of 10 to common logarithms in different situations.
-Appreciate the use of indices and logarithms in real life situations.
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to :
- Express index form into logarithms.
-Relate powers of 10 to common logarithm in different situations.
How can we write index form into logarithms?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Mathematical tables
-Written test -Assignment
4 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Divide quantities into proportional parts in real life situations
- Express proportional parts as a fraction
-Appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates in real life situations
-Divide quantities into proportional parts in real life situations
-Express proportional parts as a fraction
- appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations.
Learners are guided in pairs to :
-Divide quantities into proportional parts in real life situations
-Express proportional parts as a fraction.
Learners are guided in pairs or groups or individually to:
-divide quantities into proportional parts in real life situations
- express proportional parts as a fraction.
What are proportions?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment -Oral questions -observation
4 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Compare and write different ratios
-relare different proportional parts in real life situations
-appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations.
-Discuss and compare various ratios
- relate different proportional parts in real life situations
- appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations
Learners in groups , pairs or individually are guided to;
-compare and write different ratios
-relate different proportional parts in real life situations
Learners are guided in pairs , groups or individually to:
-discuss and compare various ratios
-relate different proportional parts in life situations
How can we divide quantities into proportional parts?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-multiplication tables
-place value apparatus
-number charts
-Class activities -observation -Written test -Assignment
4 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Discuss and compare various ratios
-relate different proportional parts in real life situations
- appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations.
-Discuss and compare various ratios.
-relate different proportional parts in real life situations
- appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situation.
Learners are guided to :
-discuss and compare various ratios
-relate different proportional parts in real life situations
Learners are guided in pairs , groups or individually to to:
-discuss and compare various ratios
-relate different proportional parts in real life situations
How can we relate ratios?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-multiplication table
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment
4 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define compound proportions
-work out compound proportions using the ratio method in different situation
-Appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations.
-Discuss the use of table such as football league tables
-identify a matrix in different situations
-reflect on the use of matrices in real life situations
Learners are guided to ;
-define compound proportions
-work out compound proportions using the ratio method in different situations
Learners are guided in pairs to:
-discuss the use of tables such as football league table
-identify a matrix in real life situations
What is a compound proportion?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-multiplication tables.
-multiplication table
-Oral questions -Class activities -Assignment
4 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Arrange items in rows and columns and discuss how to represent a matrix
-determine the order of a matrix in different situations
-appreciate the use of a matrix in real life situations.
Learners are guided in pairs to arrange items in rows and columns and discuss how to represent a matrix
-determine the order of a matrix in real life situation.
What is a row and a column?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-A chart with rows and columns.
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment
5 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Organize objects in rows and columns and give the order of the matrix in terms of rows and columns
-determine the order of a matrix in different situations.
-reflect /appreciate the use of matrices in real life situations
-Identify the position of each item or element in terms of rows and column
-Stating the order of matrix.
-appreciate the use of matrices in real life situations.
Learners are guided in pairs to;
-explain the meaning of order of matrix.
-organize objects in rows and columns and give the order of the matrix in terms of rows and column [ row
Learners are guided in pairs to:
-explain and give an example of an element in a matrix
-discuss and identify the position of each item in terms of row and column in matrix
-determine the position of items in a matrix in different situations
How can you determine the order of a matrix?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-A chart with rows and columns.
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment
5 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify and discuss matrices that have an equal number of rows and columns
-determine the compatibility of matrices in addition and subtraction
-appreciate the use of matrices in real life situations
-Discuss what is represented by the rows and what is represented by the columns from two or more matrices to carry out addition or subtraction.
-carry out addition of matrices
-appreciate the use of matrices in real life situation.
Learners are guided in pairs and groups to:
-identify the order of a matrix
-discuss matrices that have an equal number of rows and an equal number of columns
-determine the compatibility of matrices in addition and subtraction
Learners are guided in pairs , groups or individually to :
-discuss what is represented by the rows and what is represented by columns in a matrix
-to carry out addition of matrices
When are matrices said to be compatible?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-A chart with rows and columns.
-A chart with rows and columns.
Multiplication tables.
-Class activities -Written test -observation -Assignment
5 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Discuss what is represented by the rows and what is represented by the column from two or more matrices while carrying out addition or subtraction
-carry out subtraction of matrices
-appreciate the use of matrices in real life situations
-Discuss steepness concerning gradient from the immediate environment
-identify the gradient in real life situations
-Appreciate gradient and its purpose in real life situations
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to :
-discuss what is represented by rows and columns from two or more matrices in order to carry out addition or subtraction.
-carry out subtraction of matrices in real life
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to:
-discuss steepness concerning gradient from the immediate environment.
-identify the gradient in real life situation
How can you subtract matrices in real life situations?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment
5 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-draw a straight line and interpret a Cartesian plane
-determine the gradient of a line from two known points
-appreciate gradient and its uses in real life situations
-Draw a straight line and interpret a Cartesian plane.
-determine the gradient of a line from two known points
-appreciate gradient and its uses in real life situation.
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to:
-draw and interpret a Cartesian plane
-determine the gradient of a line from two known points.
Learners are guided in pairs , groups or individually to;
-draw and interpret a Cartesian plane
-determine the gradient of a line from two known points.
How can we determine the gradient of a line from two known points?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Geometrical set.
-Graph book.
-Class activities -assigment
5 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Find the gradient between two points
-determine the equation of a straight line given two points
- appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life
Learners are guided in pairs ,groups or individually to:
-find the gradient between two points
-determine the equation of a straight line given two points.
How can we determine the equation of a straight line from two points?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-place value chart.
-graph book
-Class activities -observation -Assignment
6 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Find the gradient between two points
-determine the equation of a straight line given two points
-appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life situations
-Identify the x - coordinates and y - coordinates from a given point
-determine the equation of a known point and a gradient
-appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to:
-find the gradient between two points
-determine the equation of a straight line given two points
are  guided  in 
pairs  , groups  or 
individually  to                                                                                                       -identify 
the  x –coordinates  and  y
-  coordinates  from a 
given  point                                                                                                                                            -determine 
the  equation   of 
a  straight  line 
from  a  known  
point  and  a 
How can we determine the equation of a straight line from two points?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Place value chart.
-graph book
-Geometrical set.
-Class activities -observation -Assignment
6 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
the   x –coordinate  and 
y-  coordinates   from 
a  given  point          -determine 
the  equation  of 
a  straight  line 
from  a  known 
point  and  a 
gradient                  -appreciate  the 
use  of  equation 
of  a  straight 
line  in  real 
life   situations                                                                                                 
-Explain the variables and constant in the in the equation of a straight line Y= M
X +C
- Express the equation of a straight line in the form of y = mx +c
-Appreciate the use of equation of straight lines in real life.
learners  are  guided  
to  identify  the  x
-  coordinates    and 
y –coordinates  from  a 
given  point    -determine  the 
equation  of  a 
straight  line  from a 
known  point  and 
a  gradient
Learners are guided to explain the variable and constant in the equation of a straight line y mx +c
-express the equation of a straight line in the form of y = mx +c
How can you determine the equation of a straight line from a known point and a gradient?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
- Ruler
-Geometrical set.
-A Cartesian plane.
-Class activity -observation -Written test -Assignment
6 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Explain the variables and constant s in the equation of a straight line y mx+c
-express the equation of a straight line in the form of y= mx+c
-appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life
-Determine the gradient and the y coordinates of the points while the line cuts the y axis .
- Interpret the equation
Y = MX+C in different situations
- Appreciate the use of equations of straight line in real life
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to :
-explain the variables and constant in the equation of a straight line Y = MX+C
-express the equation of a straight line in the form y = mx+c
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-determine the gradient and the y coordinates of the points where the line cuts the y axis
-interpret the equation
Y = MX+C in different situations
What are the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line y mx +c?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Geometrical set.
-Graph book.
-A Cartesian plane.
-Class activities -Written tests -Assignment
6 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Determine the gradient and the y coordinates of the points where the line cuts the y axis
-Interpret the equation
Y = MX+C in different situations
-appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in rel life
-Explain the variables and the constants in the equation of a straight line
Y = MX+C
-Determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line
-Appreciate the use of equations of straight line in real life situations
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-determine the gradient and the y coordinates of the point where the line cuts the y axis
-interpret the equation
Y = MX +C in different situations
Learners are guided in pairs,groups or individually to ;
-explain the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line Y = MX+C
-determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line.
How do you determine the gradient and the y coordinate of the point where the line cuts the y axis?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Geometrical set.
-A Graph
-A Cartesian plane.
-A graph book.
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment
6 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-explain the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line
y =mx +c
-determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line
-appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life situations
Learners are guided to;
-explain the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line Y = MX+C
-determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line.
How can you determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment
7 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-discuss why sometimes resources are shared equally
-solve linear inequalities in one unknown
-appreciate the use of linear inequalities in real life
-Discuss simple inequality statements
-Represent linear inequalities in one unknown graphically
-Appreciate the use of linear inequalities in real life
-Enjoy solving problems using linear inequalities
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-discuss about the reasons why resources are shared equally
-solve linear inequalities in one unknown
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-discuss simple inequality statements
-represent linear inequalities in one unknown graphically
-indicate and discuss the region that satisfies the inequalities
Why are resources shared equally?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
- Ruler
-Geometrical set.
-A Graph book.
-A Cartesian plane.
-graph books.
-Cartesian plane.
-Class activities -Assignment Oral questions
7 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Discuss simple inequality statements
-Represent linear inequalities in one unknown graphically
-Appreciate the use of linear inequalities in real life
-discuss and generate a table of values
-represent linear inequality in two unknowns graphically
-appreciate and enjoy solving linear inequalities in real life situations
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-discuss simple inequality statements
-represent linear inequalities in the unknown graphically
-indicate and discuss the regions that satisfies the inequalities
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-discuss and generate a table of values
-represent linear inequality in two unknowns graphically
How do we represent linear inequalities in graphs?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-graph books
-Cartesian plane
-Oral questions -Written test -Assignment
7 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-discuss and generate a table of values
-represent linear inequalities in two unknowns graphically.
- appreciate the use of linear inequalities to solve problems in real life situations
-Identify and state number of sides in a pentagon.
-Work out area of a pentagon.
-Solve more problems involving area of pentagon.
-Develop genuine interest in calculating the area of pentagon.
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-discuss and generate a table of values
-represent linear inequalities in two unknowns graphically
-indicate the regions that satisfies the inequalities
In groups and individually, learners are guided to;
-Identify and recognizing the number of sides in a pentagon.
-Naming different objects with pentagonal shapes.
-Working the area of different pentagons using formula.
-Work out more problems on area of pentagons.
-Make paper cut outs of pentagons and relating them with real day to day objects.
How can you determine linear inequality in two unknown graphically?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9.
-Graph book.
-Cartesian plane.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 73-74.
-Paper cut outs.
-Charts with different pentagons with different measurements.
-Pair of scissors.
-Manilla paper.
-A ruler and a pair of protractor.
-Oral questions -Written test -Assignment
7 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify and state number of sides in a Haxagon.
-Discuss the properties of a hexagon.
-Use triangles to work out area of a hexagon.
-Solve more problems involving area of hexagon.
-Develop genuine interest in calculating the area of Hexagon.
-Draw a rectangular prism.
-Work out the surface area of a rectangular prism.
-Work out more problems on surface area of rectangular prism.
In groups and individually, learners are guided to;
-Identify and recognizing the number of sides in a hexagon.
-Naming different objects with hexagonal shapes.
-Working the area of different Hexagons using formula (summing up areas of various triangles).
-Work out more problems on area of hexagons.
-Make paper cut outs of hexagons and display them in class relating them with real day to day objects.
In pairs, Learners are guided to;
-Listing objects which are rectangular prism in shape.
-Working out the surface area of a rectangular prism.
-Work on more problems on the surface area of a rectangular prism.
-Making various models of rectangular prism.
-How many sides do a Hexagon have? -Which objects have Hexagonal shape?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 74-76.
-Paper cut outs.
-Charts with different pentagons with different measurements.
-Pair of scissors.
-Manilla paper.
-A ruler and a pair of protractor.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 77-78.
-Plain papers.
-Checklist -Written exercise. -Oral question. -Assessment rubrics.
7 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
- Draw a triangular prism.
Work out the surface area of a triangular prism.
- Work out more problems on surface area of triangular prism.
-Make various models of triangular prism.
-Show genuine interest in calculating the surface area of triangular prism.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to;
-Recognizing various objects from their surrounding which are triangular prism in shape.
-Stating the number of faces,edges and vertices in a triangular prism.
-Work out the surface area of a triangular prism.
-Working more problems on calculating the surface area of a triangular prism.
-Mounting the constructed models on triangular prism in class.
-How many faces,edges and vertices do a triangular prism have? -Which objects have triangular prism shape?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 78-80.
-Pair of scissors.
-Manilla paper.
-Plain papers.
-Checklist -Written exercise. -Oral question. -Assessment rubrics.
8 1
Surface area of a rectangular based pyramid.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Draw a triangular based pyramid.
-Discuss the number faces,edges and vertices in a triangular based pyramid.
-Use locally available materials to model triangular based pyramid and display them in class for peer assessment.
-Work out the surface area of triangular based pyramid.
-Show genuine interest in calculating surface area of triangular based pyramid.
-Draw a rectangular based pyramid.
-Discuss the number of faces,vertices and edges.
-Use locally available materials to model a rectangular based pyramid.
-Calculate the surface area of rectangular based pyramid.
-Show genuine interest in calculating surface area of rectangular based pyramid.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to;
-Draw and listing the number of faces,edges and vertices in a triangular based pyramid.
-Model triangular based pyramid using locally available materials.
-Work out the surface area of triangular based pyramid.
-Solve more problems on surface area of triangular based prism.
In groups and individually, learners are guided to;
-Draw and find out number of faces,vertices and edges in a rectangular based pyramid.
-Model rectangular based pyramid using locally available materials.
-Calculate the surface area of a rectangular based pyramid.
-Work out more problems on surface area of rectangular based pyramid.
-How many faces,vertices and edges does a triangular based pyramid have? -Which objects are triangular based pyramid in shape?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 81-82.
-Pair of scissors.
-Manilla paper.
-Plain papers.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 82-83.
-Checklist -Written exercise. -Oral question. -Assessment rubrics.
8 2
Surface area of a square based pyramid.
Area of a circle
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Draw a square based pyramid.
-Discuss the number of faces,vertices and edges.
-Use locally available materials to model a square based pyramid.
-Calculate the surface area of square based pyramid.
-Show genuine interest in calculating surface area of a square based pyramid.
-Define a circle.
-Work out area of a circle using the formula A = π r².
-Show genuine interest in calculating the area of a circle.
In groups and individually, learners are guided to;
-Draw and find out number of faces,vertices and edges in a square based pyramid.
-Model square based pyramid using locally available materials.
-Calculate the surface area of a square based pyramid.
-Work out more problems on surface area of square based pyramid.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to;
-Define a circle.
-Relate the relationship between diameter and radius of a circle.
-Calculate the area of different circles.
-Work out more problems on area of a circle using the learnt formula.
-How many faces,vertices and edges does a square based pyramid have? -Which objects are square based pyramid in shape?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 83-84.
-Pair of scissors.
-Manilla paper.
-Plain papers.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 86.
-Circular objects.
-A pair of compass.
-Checklist -Written exercise. -Oral question. -Assessment rubrics.
8 3
Area of a sector of a circle.
Area of a segment of a circle.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define the term sector of a circle.
-Demonstrate how to get sector of a circle from the main circle.
-Calculate the area of sector of a circle.
-Define the term segment of a circle.
-Identify a segment in a circle.
-Work out the area of segment of a circle.
-Make paper cut outs on segments of a circle.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to;
-Define the sector of a circle.
-Getting sector of a circle from the main circle.
-Applying the formula for calculating the area of sector of a circle (θ/360º) × πr2
-Working more problems on area of sector of a circle.
-Define the term segment of a circle.
-Identify and demonstrate how to get the segment of a circle.
-Work the area of segment of a circle.
-Make models on segments of a circle.
-What is a sector of a circle?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 86.
-Pair of scissors.
-Manilla paper.
-Paper cut outs.
-Circular objects.
-A pair of compass.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 87.
-Checklist -Written exercise. -Oral question. -Assessment rubrics.
8 4
Surface area of a cone.
Surface area of a cone.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Draw a cone.
-Model a cone using locally available materials.
-Show genuine interest in modeling a cone.
- Identify and apply the formula for calculating the surface area of a cone; A = πr² + πrl
-Work out the surface area of a cone.
-Appreciate working out the surface area of a cone.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to;
-Identify and draw a cone in their books.
-Model a cone using locally available materials.
-Discuss with peers as they model cones.
-Demonstrate how to apply the formula for calculating the surface area of cones.
-Work out the surface area of cones.
-Work out more problems relating to surface area of cones.
-What is a cone ? -Which are some of items with conical shapes ?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 91-92.
-Pair of scissors.
-Manilla paper.
-Paper cut outs.
-Circular objects.
-A pair of compass.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 92-93.
-A Calculator.
-Black board illustration.
-A chart on how to calculate the surface area of a cone.
-Checklist -Written exercise. -Oral question.
8 5
Area of a sphere
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify spherical objects and school and home and locality.
-Collect,draw and discuss spherical objects.
-Make models on spherical objects.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to;
-Identify spherical objects at homes,schools and locality.
-Draw and discuss features of a spherical objects.
-Make models of spherical objects and display them in class.
-What is a sphere? -Which are some of items with spherical shapes ?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 94.
-Black board illustration.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
9 1
Surface area of a sphere.
Volume of Triangular prism
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
- Determine the surface area of a sphere using the formula A = 4π r²
-Work out problems on surface area of a sphere.
-Appreciate working out surface area of a sphere.
-Identify triangular prisms.
-Discuss how to calculate the volume of triangular prism.
-Work out the volume of a triangular prism.
-Appreciate working out volume of a triangular prism.
In group and individually, learners are guided;
-Determine the surface area of a sphere using the formula A = 4πr²
-Work out problems on surface area of a sphere.
-Working out more problems on the surface area of a sphere.
-Relate more real spherical objects with the formula for calculating the surface area of a sphere.
In groups or pairs, learners are guide to;
-Determine the volume of triangular prism.
-Work on more problems on volume of triangular prism.
-Relating on how to work out objects with triangular prisms shapes in the locality.
-What is a sphere? -Which are some of items with spherical shapes ?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 95.
-Black board illustration.
-Balls,ball bearings,oranges.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 98-99.
-Charts with diagrams on triangular prisms.
-Models of triangular prisms.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
9 2
Volume of Rectangular prism/cuboid.
Volume of triangular based pyramids.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify rectangular prisms.
-Discuss how to calculate the volume of rectangular prism.
-Work out the volume of a rectangular prism.
-Appreciate working out volume of a rectangular prism.
-Identify triangular based pyramid.
-Discuss the faces, vertices and edges in a triangular based pyramid.
-Work out volume of triangular based pyramids.
-Appreciate working out volume of triangular based pyramids.
In groups or pairs, learners are guide to;
-Determine the volume of rectangular prism.
-Work on more problems on volume of rectangular prism.
-Relating on how to work out objects with rectangular prisms shapes in the locality.
-Identify triangular based pyramid.
-Discuss the faces, vertices and edges in a triangular based pyramid and note them.
-Work out volume of triangular based pyramids using the demonstrated formula.
-Work out more problems on volume of triangular based pyramids.
-How many vertices,edges and faces does a rectangular based pyramid have? -Which objects are rectangular prism in shape?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 100.
-Black board illustration.
-Charts with diagrams on rectangular prisms.
-Models of rectangular prisms.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 103.
-Charts with diagrams on triangular prisms.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
9 3
Volume of rectangular based pyramids.
Volume of square based pyramids.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify rectangular based pyramid.
-Discuss the faces, vertices and edges in a rectangular based pyramid.
-Work out volume of rectangular based pyramids.
-Appreciate working out volume of rectangular based pyramids.
-Identify square based pyramid.
-Discuss the faces, vertices and edges in a square - based pyramid.
-Work out volume of square based pyramids.
-Appreciate working out volume of square-based pyramids.
-Identify rectangular based pyramid.
-Discuss the faces, vertices and edges in a rectangular based pyramid and note them.
-Work out volume of rectangular based pyramids using the demonstrated formula.
-Work out more problems on volume of rectangular based pyramids.
-Identify square - based pyramid.
-Discuss the faces, vertices and edges in a square - based pyramid and note them.
-Work out volume of square based pyramids using the demonstrated formula.
-Work out more problems on volume of square based pyramids.
-How many vertices, edges and faces does a rectangular based pyramid have? -Which objects are rectangular prism in shape?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 104.
-Black board illustration.
-Charts with diagrams on triangular prisms.
-Models of rectangular prisms.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 105-106.
-Charts with diagrams on square based pyramid.
-Models of square based pyramids.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
9 4
Volume of cones and spheres.
Volume of frustrum.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify cones and spheres based pyramid.
-Discuss the faces, vertices and edges in a cone.
-Work out volume of cones and spheres.
-Appreciate working out volume of cones and spheres.
-Identify a frustum.
-Modeling different types of frustrum (conical and rectangular base .
-Appreciate modeling different types of frustrum.
-Identify cones and spheres.
-Discuss the faces, vertices and edges in a cone and note them.
Work out volume of cones and spheres
-for cone
V = ¹/₃ πr²h
-for sphere
V = ⁴/₃ πr²h
- using the demonstrated formula.
-Work out more problems on volume of triangular based pyramids.
-Identify how a frustrum is obtained from a cone or a pyramid.
-Work out volume of pyramids using the demonstrated formula.
-Work out more problems on volume of frustrums.
-How many vertices, edges and faces does a cone have? -Which objects are spherical in shape in shape?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 109.
-Black board illustration.
-Charts with cones and spheres.
-Models cones and spheres .
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 109-111.
-Manila papers.
-Models on different frustrum (conical and rectangular base .
-Pair of scissors.
-A ruler.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
9 5
Volume of frustrum.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Demonstrate the formula for working out the volume of frustrum.
-Work out the volume of frustrum.
-Searching from digital devices more examples of frustrum shapes and objects.
-Appreciate working out volumes of frustrums.
-Identify how a frustrum is obtained from the cone or pyramid.
-Demonstrate how the volume of a frustrum is obtained.
-Work out volume of a frustrum.
-Work out more problems on volume of frustrums.
-What is a frustrum?. -Which are some of objects in shape of a frustrum.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 109-111.
-Black board illustration.
-Manila papers with different diagrams on frustrums.
-Models on different frustrum (conical and rectangular base .
-A calculator.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
10 1
Volume of frustrum.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Calculate volume of frustrums with different bases.
-Work on more problems on frustrum volume related questions.
-Show genuine interest in working out volume of frustrums with different bases.
-Define the term mass.
-Convert units of mass from one unit to the other.
-Collaboratively use beam or electronic balance to determine mass of different objects.
-Relate each unit of mass to Kilogram (Kg).
-Work out problems on mass.
-Continue working out more problems on frustrums with different bases.
-Work out on an assessment on volume of solids (mixed assessment on different solids learnt).
-Define the term mass.
-Recall the relationship between different units of mass as learnt from previous grades.
- use beam or electronic balance to determine mass of different objects as they record.
-Relate each unit of mass to Kilogram (Kg).
-Work out problems on mass.
-Which are some of objects in shape of a frustrum.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 109-111.
-Black board illustration.
-Manila papers.
-Models different frustrum(conical and rectangular base .
-Pair of scissors.
-A ruler.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 115-117.
-Beam balance.
-A chart on Different units of mass and how they are related.
-Objects whose mass is to be determined.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
10 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define the term weight.
-Convert mass to weight (W=mg).
-Work out problems on mass and weight.
-Work out problems on weight.
-Appreciate working out problems on weight.
-Define the term volume.
-State different units of measuring volume.
-Converting units of volume from one form to the other.
-Work out problems on converting units of volume from one form to the other.
-Show genuine interest in converting units of volume from one form to the other.
-Define the term weight.
-Relate mass and weight in real life situation.
- use spring balance to determine weight of different objects.
-Relate each unit of mass to Kilogram (Kg).
-Work out problems on weight.
-Define the term volume.
-Convert units of volume from one form to the other.
- Work out problems on converting different forms of volume.
-Working out more problems on converting units of volume from one form to the other.
-What is weight? -What is used to measure weight? -What are units of measuring weight?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 117-119.
-Spring balance.
-A chart on Different units of weight and how they are related.
-Objects whose weight is to be determined.
-A chart on Different units of volume and how they are related.
-Objects whose volume is to be determined by formula method and displacement for the irregular objects.
-100cm3 beaker.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
10 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define the term density.
-State different units of expressing density(g/cm3 and kg/m3.
-Converting units of density from one form to the other Hint 1g/cm3=1000Kg/m3.
-Work out problems on converting units of density from one form to the other.
-Show genuine interest in converting units of density from one form to the other.
-Relating mass and volume to get density.
-Calculating density of different objects given mass and volume.
-Work out more problems on density.
-Recognize the use of density in daily life.
-Define the term density.
-Convert units of density from one form to the other.
- Work out problems on converting different forms of density.
-Working out more problems on converting units of density from one form to the other.
-Relating mass and volume to get density.
-Calculating density of different objects given mass and volume.
-Work out more problems on density.
-What is density? -What are different units used to measure density?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 117-119.
-Spring balance.
-A chart with different examples on converting units of density from one to the other.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 120-121.
-A chart on worked examples on calculations involving density.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
10 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define time.
-Relate different units of time.
-Timing time taken to do various activities in class and at school(running around the field,completing a sum,a lesson,different breaks et .
-Working on problems related to time.
-Appreciate working out problems on time.
-Define Distance.
-Relate different units of distance.
-Estimating and measuring distance between various objects and buildings in school.
-Working on problems related to distance.
-Show genuine interest working out problems on distance.
-Define time.
-Highlighting different units of measuring time.
-Work out more problems on time.
-Model a clock face.
-Define distance.
-Highlighting different units of measuring distance.
-Work out more problems on distance.
-Measuring distance using a meter ruler.
-What is time? -What are different units used to measure time? -Which are different types of devices used to measure time?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 123.
-A chart on worked examples on calculations involving time.
-A clock face.
-A stop watch.
-Wrist watch.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 123-124.
-A chart on worked examples on calculations involving distance.
-A meter rule.
-Written exercise. -Oral question. -Modeling a clock face.
10 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define the term speed.
-State different units of measuring speed(m/s and Km/h)
-Converting units of speed from one form to the other.
-Working out different problems on speed.
-Show genuine interest in calculating speed related problems.
-Define speed.
-Highlighting different units of measuring speed.
-Work out more problems on speed using the formula speed=Distance/Time.
-What is speed? -What is the estimate speed of an ambulance?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 123-124.
-A chart on worked examples on calculations involving speed.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
11 1
Average Speed
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define the term average speed.
-Discuss on different examples on average speed from learners book.
-Working out different problems on average speed.
-Show genuine interest in calculating average speed related problems.
-Meaning of velocity and its units.
-Difference between speed and velocity.
-Work out calculations on velocity,
-Recognize the difference between speed and velocity.
-Define the term average speed.
-Discuss on different examples on average speed from learners book.
-Work out different problems on average speed.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to;
-State the difference between speed and velocity.
-Discuss more differences between speed and velocity.
-Work on problems involving speed and velocity.
-What is average speed?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 126-129.
-A chart on worked examples on calculations involving average speed.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 129-132.
-A chart on worked examples on calculations involving velocity.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
11 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define the term acceleration and state its units.
Demonstrate how to work out problems on acceleration.
Work out problems on acceleration.
Appreciate working out problems on acceleration.
-Work out different questions on acceleration.
-Graphically interpreting questions on acceleration.
-Define acceleration and identify its units.
-Work out various examples involving acceleration.
-Interpret speed time graphs to get acceleration.
-Working more problems involving acceleration.
-Working out more problems on acceleration.
-Interpreting the graphs and working out acceleration related questions.
-Plotting graphs for accelerating bodies.
-When is a body said to be accelerating?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 132-134.
-A chart on worked examples on calculations involving acceleration.
-Graphs on Velocity against time.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
11 3
Relating longitudes to time
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify the longitudes on the globe.
-Relate longitude to the time on the globe.
-Search from digital devices on more information about longitudes.
-Work out problems involving longitudes.
-Appreciate identifying longitudes from the globe.
-Explaining the cause of day and night.
-Discuss the concept of day and night.
-Relating to time on the globe.
-Work out problems involving relationship between longitude and time.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to;
-Identify longitudes on the globe.
-Relating longitudes to the time on the globe.
-Search from internet on more information on longitudes.
-Work out problems on longitudes.
-Explain the causes of day and night.
-Discuss the concept of rotation of earth and its effect.
-Relate longitude to time on the globe.
-Work out problems involving relationship of longitudes and time.
-What is a longitude?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 135-136.
-A chart on worked examples on calculations involving longitudes.
-A Globe.
-A pointer.
-A laptop
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 137-138.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
11 4
Local time of places on earth along different longitudes
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Determine local time of places on earth along different longitudes.
-Demonstrate how time is calculated using longitudes.
-Appreciate calculating time using longitudes.
-Identify currencies used in different countries.
-Collaboratively use different print materials or digital devices to search for images of different currencies and use them to make a collage of currencies.
-Discuss and identify currencies shown on the chart.
-Appreciate different currencies used in different countries.
-Determine local time of places on earth along different longitudes.
-Demonstrate how time is calculated using longitudes.
-Working more exercises on calculation of time using longitudes.
-Identify currencies used in different countries.
-Collaboratively use different print materials or digital devices to search for images of different currencies and use them to make a collage of currencies.
-Discuss and identify currencies shown on the chart.
-How does change in longitude cause time difference?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 138-140.
-A chart on worked examples on calculations involving longitudes.
-A Globe.
-A pointer.
-Black board illustrations.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 142-143.
-Different paper cut outs on currencies.
-Paper cut outs on currencies from different countries.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
11 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Converting currencies from one form to the other.
-Discuss on exchange rates.
-Work out problems on exchange rates.
-Appreciate comparing own country currency with other country currencies in real life situation.
-Converting currencies from one form to the other.
-Discuss on exchange rates.
-Work out problems on exchange rates.
-Solving more problems relating to currencies and exchange rates.
-What happens to ones’s currency when one move from one country to the other?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 143-145.
-Different paper cut outs on currencies.
-Black board illustrations.
-Paper cut outs on currencies from different countries.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
12 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
- Determine export and import duties charged on goods and services in real life situation.
-Discuss local goods that attracts exercise duty.
-Determine exercise duty on goods and services.
-Define value added tax (VAT).
-Determine value added tax charged from local goods.
-Discuss the importance of value added tax.
-Appreciate the importance of importance tax in ones country.
- Determine export and import duties charged on goods and services in real life situation.
-Discuss local goods that attracts exercise duty.
-Determine exercise duty on goods and services.
-Work out problems on import duties, export duties and exercise duty on goods and services.
-Define value added tax (VAT).
-Determine value added tax charged from local goods.
-Discuss the importance of value added tax.
-Obtain receipts from shopping or other resources to discuss and work out Value added tax(VAT).
-Search from digital devices and work out VAT of imported goods.
-What is import duty? -What is export duty? -What is exercise duty? -Who receives the import duty, export duty and exercise duty?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 147-149.
-Different paper cut outs on currencies.
-Black board illustrations.
-Paper cut outs on currencies from different countries.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 153-155.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
12 2
Approximation and errors.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Approximate quantities in measurements in different situations.
-Determine errors using estimations and actual measurements.
-Appreciate working out problems on errors approximation.
-Determine percentage errors using actual measurements of quantities.
-Work out problems on percentage errors.
-Appreciate approximations and errors in real life situations.
-Carrying out activities of measurements of different quantities such as length, area, volume, capacity and mass using arbitrary units.
-Estimate and measure different quantities using appropriate instruments.
-Compare estimates and the actual measurements and determine the error.

-Work out the percentage error from the estimated and the actual measurements.
-Work out errors using digital devices or other resources and relate to consumer awareness.
-How do we estimate measurements of different quantities?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 153-155.
-Different paper cut outs on currencies.
-Black board illustrations.
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 158-164.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
12 3
Co-ordinates and graphs.
Co-ordinates and graphs
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify the vertical and horizontal axes.
-Plotting a straight line Y=Mx+C
-Plot out points on a Cartesian plane.
-Show genuine interest in plotting points on a Cartesian plot.
-Plotting parallel lines on a Cartesian plane.
-Draw parallel lines on a Cartesian plane.
-Relate gradients of parallel lines.
-Appreciate drawing parallel lines and relating their gradients.
Note;Gradient for parallel lines are equal.
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to;
-Identify vertical(y-axis) and horizontal(x-axis) on the Cartesian plane.
-Plot out points on a Cartesian plane to make a straight line.
-Locate the points (y coordinates and x-coordinates on a Cartesian plane).
-Plotting parallel lines on a Cartesian plane by devising table of values.
-Draw parallel lines on a Cartesian plane from the table of values.
-Relate gradients of parallel lines.
-How do we plot on a Cartesian plane?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 166-168.
-Different paper cut outs on currencies.
-Black board illustrations.
-A Cartesian plane.
-A geometrical set.
-A Pencil
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 168-172.
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
12 4
Co-ordinates and graphs
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Plotting perpendicular lines on a Cartesian plane.
-Draw perpendicular lines on a Cartesian plane.
-Relate gradients of perpendicular lines.
-Appreciate drawing perpendicular lines and relating their gradients.
Note;Gradient for perpendicular lines are M1×M2= -1.
-Plotting perpendicular lines on a Cartesian plane by devising table of values.
-Draw perpendicular lines on a Cartesian plane from the table of values.
-Relate gradients of perpendicular lines.
-How are gradient of perpendicular lines related?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 172-174.
-Different paper cut outs on currencies.
-Black board illustrations.
-A Cartesian plane.
-A geometrical set.
-A Pencil
-Written exercise. -Oral question.
12 5
Scale drawing
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify compass and true bearing in real life situation.
-Determine the bearing of a point from another in real life situation.
-Appreciate determining the bearing of a point in real life situation.
-Draw and discuss the compass directions and relate to the compass and true north bearings.
-Discuss and locate place from different points using bearings.
-Discuss and locate places using bearing and distance.
-Sketch and use a scale drawing to show the position of places from given points.
-How do we use scale drawing in real life situation?
-Mentors Mathematics learners book grade 9 page 180-184.
-Different paper cut outs on currencies.
-Black board illustrations.
-A Cartesian plane.
-A geometrical set.
-A Pencil
-Written exercise. -Oral question.

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