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1 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Make a number chart with integers. -Add any two integers from the chart. -Appreciate the use of integers in real life situation. |
In pairs, learners are guided to;
-Make a number chart with integers. -Add any two integers from the chart. |
How do we carry out the addition of integers in real life situation?
-Top scholar mathematics pg. curriculum design. -Place value chart. |
-Class activities.
-Making a number chart.
-Written exercise.
1 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Make number chart with integers. -Substract any two integers from the chart. -Appreciate the use of integers in real life. |
In pair,learners are guided to
-Make a number chart with integers. -Subtract any two integers from the chart. |
-How do we carry out subtraction of integers in real life situation?
-Top scholar mathematics grade 9
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercises.
-Class activities.
1 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Make number cards with integers. -Determine the product of each multiplication. -Appreciate the use of integers in real life situation. -Make number cards with division statement integers. -Determine division of integers. -appreciate the use of integers in real life situation. |
In pairs,learners are guided to;
-Make number cards with integers. -Determine the product of each multiplication. In groups, learners are guided to; -Make number cards with division statements integers. -Determine division of integers. |
-How do we carry out multiplication of integers in real life situation?
-How do we carry out division of integers in real life situation? |
-Top scholar mathematics grade 9 pg
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. -Top scholar mathematics grade 9 pg -Curriculum design 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercise.
-Class activities.
1 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Make number cards with integers. -Work out combined operations of integers in different situation. -Appreciate the use of integers in real life situation. |
In groups, learners are guided on; -Making number cards.
-Working out combined operations on integers in different situations. |
-How do we carry out combined operations of integers in real life?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercise.
-Class activities.
2 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss situations in real life where we apply or use INTEGERS. -Carry out activities such as read temperature changes in a thermometer. -Apply integers in real life situations. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
-Discuss situations in real life where we apply INTEGERS. -Carry out activities such as reading temperature change in a thermometer. |
-How do we apply integers in daily activities.
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercises.
-Class activities.
2 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss situations in real life where we apply or use INTEGERS. -Carry out activities such as read temperature changes in a thermometer. -Apply integers in real life situations. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
-Discuss situations in real life where we apply INTEGERS. -Carry out activities such as reading temperature change in a thermometer. |
-How do we apply integers in daily activities.
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercises.
-Class activities.
2 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Use stacks of cubes to demonstrate the concept of cube. -Work out cubes of numbers by multiplication in real life. -Apply cubes in real life situations. -Use stacks of cubes to demonstrate the concept of cube. -Determine cubes of numbers from mathematical tables in different situations. -Apply cubes in real life situations. |
In pairs,learners are guided to;
-Use status of cubes to demonstrate the concept of cube. -In pairs,work out cubes of numbers by multiplication in real life situations. In pairs,learners are guided to ; -Use stack of cubes to demonstrate the concept of cube. -Determine cubes of numbers from mathematical tables in different situations. |
-How do we work out the cubes of numbers by multiplication?
-How do we work out the cubes of numbers from the mathematical table? |
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercise.
-Oral questions.
2 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss how to determine the volume of a cube. -Determine cubes of numbers by factor method in different situations. -Appreciate cubes in real life situations. |
In pairs,groups or individually, learner are guided;
-Discuss how to determine the volume of a cube. -Determine the cube of numbers by factor method in different situations. |
-How do we work out the cubes of numbers by factor method?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercise.
-Oral questions
3 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Determine both cube and cube root of a number and relate the relate the two. -Determine cube root of numbers from mathematical table. -Apply cube roots in real life situation. |
In pairs and individually, learner are guided to;
-Determine both the cube and cube roots of a cube and relate the two. -Determine cube roots of numbers from mathematical table. |
-How do we use mathematical table to find the cube or cube root of a number?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercise.
-Answering Oral questions.
3 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Use scientific calculator to work out problems on cube and cube roots of numbers. -Determine cubes an cube roots of different numbers using a calculator. -Appreciate use of calculator in working out cubes of different numbers. |
In pairs or individually,
-Discuss how to use a scientific calculator in calculating cubes and cube roots of different numbers. -Determine cube and cube roots of different numbers using a calculator. |
-How do we work out cube and cube root of numbers using a calculator?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written excersise.
3 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss where cube and cube roots can be applied in real life. -Determine cubes and cube roots of numbers from real life examples in different situations. -apply cubes and cube roots in real life situation. -Discuss indices and identify the base. -Express numbers in index form in different situation. -Appreciate the use of indices and logariths in real life situations. |
In groups or pairs,learners are guided to;
-Discuss where cube and cube roots applies. -Determine cubes and cube roots of numbers from real life examples. In groups or pairs, learners are guided to: -Discuss indices and identify the base. -Express numbers in index form in different situation. |
-where do we apply cubes and cube roots in real life situation?
-How do we express numbers in index form? |
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. - Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg. -Curriculum design grade 9. -Multiplication tables. |
-Written exercise.
-Class activities.
-Written exercises. -Oral questions. |
3 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Generate indices and identify the base. -Express numbers in index form in different situations. -Appreciate the use of indices and logarithms in real life situations. |
In groups or pairs,learners are guided;
-Come up with or generate the laws of indices in multiplication. -Apply the laws of indices using multiplication. -Apply the laws of indices using multiplication in different situations. |
-What is the laws of indices from multiplication?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercises.
-Oral questions.
4 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the division law of indices. -Apply the laws of indices using division in different situations. -Appreciate the use of indices in real life situations. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
- -Apply laws of indices in division. - |
-What is the law of indices in division?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercise.
-Oral questions.
4 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the division law of indices. -Apply the laws of indices using division in different situations. -Appreciate the use of indices in real life situations. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
- -Apply laws of indices in division. - |
-What is the law of indices in division?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. |
-Written exercise.
-Oral questions.
4 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the division law of indices. -Apply the laws of indices using division in different situations. -Appreciate the use of indices in real life situations. -Express logarithms in index form. - Relate powers of 10 to common logarithms in different situations. - Appreciate the use of indices and logarithms in real life situations. |
In groups learners are guided to;
-Use the laws of indices to work out various problems on indices. -Apply the laws of indices in different life situation. Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to: -Express logarithm in index form - Relate powers of 10 to common logarithms in different situations. |
-where do we apply the laws of indices?
How can we write logarithm in index form?. |
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. - Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg. -Curriculum design grade 9. -Mathematical table. |
-Written exercise.
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment |
4 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Express index form into logarithms. - Relate powers of 10 to common logarithms in different situations. -Appreciate the use of indices and logarithms in real life situations. |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to :
- Express index form into logarithms. -Relate powers of 10 to common logarithm in different situations. |
How can we write index form into logarithms?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Mathematical tables -Calculator. |
-Written test
5 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Divide quantities into proportional parts in real life situations - Express proportional parts as a fraction -Appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates in real life situations |
Learners are guided in pairs to :
-Divide quantities into proportional parts in real life situations -Express proportional parts as a fraction. |
What are proportions?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. |
-Class activities
-Written test
-Oral questions
5 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Divide quantities into proportional parts in real life situations -Express proportional parts as a fraction - appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations. |
Learners are guided in pairs or groups or individually to:
-divide quantities into proportional parts in real life situations - express proportional parts as a fraction. |
What are proportions?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. |
-Class activities
-Written test
-Oral questions
5 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Compare and write different ratios -relare different proportional parts in real life situations -appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations. -Discuss and compare various ratios - relate different proportional parts in real life situations - appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations |
Learners in groups , pairs or individually are guided to;
-compare and write different ratios -relate different proportional parts in real life situations Learners are guided in pairs , groups or individually to: -discuss and compare various ratios -relate different proportional parts in life situations |
How can we divide quantities into proportional parts?
How can we relate ratios? |
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -multiplication tables - Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg. -Curriculum design grade 9. -place value apparatus -number charts -multiplication tables |
-Class activities
-Written test
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment |
5 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss and compare various ratios -relate different proportional parts in real life situations - appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations. |
Learners are guided to :
-discuss and compare various ratios -relate different proportional parts in real life situations |
How can we relate ratios?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -multiplication table |
-Class activities
-Written test
6 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss and compare various ratios. -relate different proportional parts in real life situations - appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situation. |
Learners are guided in pairs , groups or individually to to:
-discuss and compare various ratios -relate different proportional parts in real life situations |
How can we relate ratios?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -multiplication table |
-Oral questions
6 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define compound proportions -work out compound proportions using the ratio method in different situation -Appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations. |
Learners are guided to ;
-define compound proportions -work out compound proportions using the ratio method in different situations |
What is a compound proportion?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -multiplication tables. |
-Oral questions
-Class activities
6 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define compound proportions -work out compound proportions using the ratio method in different situation -Appreciate the use of compound proportions and rates of work in real life situations. -Discuss the use of table such as football league tables -identify a matrix in different situations -reflect on the use of matrices in real life situations |
Learners are guided to ;
-define compound proportions -work out compound proportions using the ratio method in different situations Learners are guided in pairs to: -discuss the use of tables such as football league table -identify a matrix in real life situations |
What is a compound proportion?
What is an element? |
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -multiplication tables. |
-Oral questions
-Class activities
-observation -Class activities -Assignment |
6 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Arrange items in rows and columns and discuss how to represent a matrix -determine the order of a matrix in different situations -appreciate the use of a matrix in real life situations. |
Learners are guided in pairs to arrange items in rows and columns and discuss how to represent a matrix
-determine the order of a matrix in real life situation. |
What is a row and a column?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -A chart with rows and columns. |
-Class activities
-Written test
7 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Organize objects in rows and columns and give the order of the matrix in terms of rows and columns -determine the order of a matrix in different situations. -reflect /appreciate the use of matrices in real life situations |
Learners are guided in pairs to;
-explain the meaning of order of matrix. -organize objects in rows and columns and give the order of the matrix in terms of rows and column [ row |
How can you determine the order of a matrix?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -A chart with rows and columns. |
-Class activities
-Written test
7 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the position of each item or element in terms of rows and column -Stating the order of matrix. -appreciate the use of matrices in real life situations. |
Learners are guided in pairs to:
-explain and give an example of an element in a matrix -discuss and identify the position of each item in terms of row and column in matrix -determine the position of items in a matrix in different situations |
What is an element in a matrix?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. |
-Class activities
-Written test
7 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify and discuss matrices that have an equal number of rows and columns -determine the compatibility of matrices in addition and subtraction -appreciate the use of matrices in real life situations -Discuss what is represented by the rows and what is represented by the columns from two or more matrices to carry out addition or subtraction. -carry out addition of matrices -appreciate the use of matrices in real life situation. |
Learners are guided in pairs and groups to:
-identify the order of a matrix -discuss matrices that have an equal number of rows and an equal number of columns -determine the compatibility of matrices in addition and subtraction Learners are guided in pairs , groups or individually to : -discuss what is represented by the rows and what is represented by columns in a matrix -to carry out addition of matrices |
When are matrices said to be compatible?
How can you add matrices? |
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -A chart with rows and columns. - Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg. -Curriculum design grade 9. -A chart with rows and columns. - Multiplication tables. |
-Class activities
-Written test
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment |
7 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss what is represented by the rows and what is represented by the column from two or more matrices while carrying out addition or subtraction -carry out subtraction of matrices -appreciate the use of matrices in real life situations |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to :
-discuss what is represented by rows and columns from two or more matrices in order to carry out addition or subtraction. -carry out subtraction of matrices in real life |
How can you subtract matrices in real life situations?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. |
-Class activities
-Written test
8 |
Midterm Break |
9 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss steepness concerning gradient from the immediate environment -identify the gradient in real life situations -Appreciate gradient and its purpose in real life situations |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to:
-discuss steepness concerning gradient from the immediate environment. -identify the gradient in real life situation |
What is gradient?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Environment -Realia. |
-Class activities
9 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-draw a straight line and interpret a Cartesian plane -determine the gradient of a line from two known points -appreciate gradient and its uses in real life situations |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to:
-draw and interpret a Cartesian plane -determine the gradient of a line from two known points. |
How can we determine the gradient of a line from two known points?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Ruler -Geometrical set. -Pencil. |
-Class activities
9 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Draw a straight line and interpret a Cartesian plane. -determine the gradient of a line from two known points -appreciate gradient and its uses in real life situation. |
Learners are guided in pairs , groups or individually to;
-draw and interpret a Cartesian plane -determine the gradient of a line from two known points. |
How can we deter mine the gradient of a line from two known points?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Ruler -Geometrical set. -Pencil. -Graph book. |
-Class activities
9 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Find the gradient between two points -determine the equation of a straight line given two points - appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life |
Learners are guided in pairs ,groups or individually to:
-find the gradient between two points -determine the equation of a straight line given two points. |
How can we determine the equation of a straight line from two points?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -place value chart. -graph book |
-Class activities
10 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Find the gradient between two points -determine the equation of a straight line given two points -appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life situations |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to:
-find the gradient between two points -determine the equation of a straight line given two points |
How can we determine the equation of a straight line from two points?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. -graph book -Ruler -Geometrical set. |
-Class activities
10 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the x - coordinates and y - coordinates from a given point -determine the equation of a known point and a gradient -appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life |
are guided in pairs , groups or individually to -identify the x –coordinates and y - coordinates from a given point -determine the equation of a straight line from a known point and a gradient |
How can we determine the equation of a straight line from a known point and a gradient?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Place value chart. -graph book -Ruler -Geometrical set. |
-Class activities
-Written test
10 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the x –coordinate and y- coordinates from a given point -determine the equation of a straight line from a known point and a gradient -appreciate the use of equation of a straight line in real life situations -Explain the variables and constant in the in the equation of a straight line Y= M X +C - Express the equation of a straight line in the form of y = mx +c -Appreciate the use of equation of straight lines in real life. |
learners are guided to identify the x - coordinates and y –coordinates from a given point -determine the equation of a straight line from a known point and a gradient Learners are guided to explain the variable and constant in the equation of a straight line y mx +c -express the equation of a straight line in the form of y = mx +c |
How can you determine the equation of a straight line from a known point and a gradient?
What are the variables and constant in the equation of a straight line y = mx +c ? |
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. - Ruler -Geometrical set. -Pencil. -A Cartesian plane. - Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg. -Curriculum design grade 9. -Geometrical set. -Ruler. -A Cartesian plane. |
-Class activity
-Written test
Class activities -written test -assignment |
10 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Explain the variables and constant s in the equation of a straight line y mx+c -express the equation of a straight line in the form of y= mx+c -appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to :
-explain the variables and constant in the equation of a straight line Y = MX+C -express the equation of a straight line in the form y = mx+c |
What are the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line y mx +c?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Ruler -Geometrical set. -Graph book. -A Cartesian plane. |
-Class activities
-Written tests
11 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Determine the gradient and the y coordinates of the points while the line cuts the y axis . - Interpret the equation Y = MX+C in different situations - Appreciate the use of equations of straight line in real life |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-determine the gradient and the y coordinates of the points where the line cuts the y axis -interpret the equation Y = MX+C in different situations |
How do you determine the gradient and the y coordinates of the point where the line cuts the y axis?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Ruler -Geometrical set. |
-Class activities
-writen tests
11 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Determine the gradient and the y coordinates of the points where the line cuts the y axis -Interpret the equation Y = MX+C in different situations -appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in rel life |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-determine the gradient and the y coordinates of the point where the line cuts the y axis -interpret the equation Y = MX +C in different situations |
How do you determine the gradient and the y coordinate of the point where the line cuts the y axis?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Ruler -Geometrical set. -Pencil. -A Graph -A Cartesian plane. |
-Class activities
-Written test
11 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Explain the variables and the constants in the equation of a straight line Y = MX+C -Determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line -Appreciate the use of equations of straight line in real life situations -explain the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line y =mx +c -determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line -appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life situations |
Learners are guided in pairs,groups or individually to ;
-explain the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line Y = MX+C -determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line. Learners are guided to; -explain the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line Y = MX+C -determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line. |
How can you determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line from the graph?
How can you determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line? |
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. Ruler -Geometrical set. -Pencil. -A graph book. -A Cartesian plane. - Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg. -Curriculum design grade 9. |
-Class activities
-Written tests
-Class activities -Written test -Assignment |
11 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-explain the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line y =mx +c -determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line -appreciate the use of equations of straight lines in real life situations |
Learners are guided to;
-explain the variables and constants in the equation of a straight line Y = MX+C -determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line. |
How can you determine the x and y intercepts of a straight line?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. |
-Class activities
-Written test
12 | 1 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-discuss why sometimes resources are shared equally -solve linear inequalities in one unknown -appreciate the use of linear inequalities in real life |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-discuss about the reasons why resources are shared equally -solve linear inequalities in one unknown |
Why are resources shared equally?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. - Ruler -Geometrical set. -Pencil. -A Graph book. -A Cartesian plane. |
-Class activities
Oral questions
12 | 2 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss simple inequality statements -Represent linear inequalities in one unknown graphically -Appreciate the use of linear inequalities in real life -Enjoy solving problems using linear inequalities |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-discuss simple inequality statements -represent linear inequalities in one unknown graphically -indicate and discuss the region that satisfies the inequalities |
How do we represent linear inequalities in graphs?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -graph books. -Cartesian plane. |
-Oral questions
-Written tests
12 | 3-4 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss simple inequality statements -Represent linear inequalities in one unknown graphically -Appreciate the use of linear inequalities in real life -discuss and generate a table of values -represent linear inequality in two unknowns graphically -appreciate and enjoy solving linear inequalities in real life situations |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-discuss simple inequality statements -represent linear inequalities in the unknown graphically -indicate and discuss the regions that satisfies the inequalities Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to; -discuss and generate a table of values -represent linear inequality in two unknowns graphically |
How do we represent linear inequalities in graphs?
How can you determine linear inequality in two unknowns graphically? |
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -graph books - Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg. -Curriculum design grade 9. -graph books -Cartesian plane |
-Oral questions
-Written test
-Oral questions -Written tests -Assignment |
12 | 5 |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-discuss and generate a table of values -represent linear inequalities in two unknowns graphically. - appreciate the use of linear inequalities to solve problems in real life situations |
Learners are guided in pairs, groups or individually to;
-discuss and generate a table of values -represent linear inequalities in two unknowns graphically -indicate the regions that satisfies the inequalities |
How can you determine linear inequality in two unknown graphically?
- Top Scholar mathematics grade 9 pg.
-Curriculum design grade 9. -Graph book. -Cartesian plane. |
-Oral questions
-Written test
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