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10 | 2-3 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Structure of an atom.
Structure of an atom. Structure of an atom. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define the term atom. -Describe the structure of an atom. -Draw the structure of an atom. -Appreciate the structure of an atom. -Differentiate between atomic number and mass number. -Determine the mass number of the first twenty elements in the periodic table. -Prepare charts showing the mass number of the twenty elements. -Define the term electron arrangement. -Draw the electron arrangement in an atom using crosses or dots diagrams. -Show interest in drawing electron arrangement in atoms using crosses or dots diagrams. |
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to: -
-Discuss and give the meaning of an atom. -Use digital or print resources to search for information about the structure of an atom. -Draw the structure of an atom. -Use digital devices or print resources to find the meaning of atomic and mass numbers. -Discuss the difference between mass and atomic number. -Work out the mass number of the first twenty elements collaboratively. -Explain the meaning of electron arrangement and energy level. -Observe the teacher or video clip on drawing electron arrangement in atoms using dots or cross diagrams. -Illustrate the electron arrangement in atoms using dot or cross diagrams. |
-How is the structure of an important?
-What are the components of atoms?
-What is the difference between mass number and atomic number? -How do we Determine the mass numbers of elements? |
integrated science learner Sportlight integrated science studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
-Written tests.
-Written test. -Observation. -Oral questions. -Assessment rubrics. |
10 | 4 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Structure of an atom.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Draw electronic arrangement of the first twenty elements on charts and books. -Enjoy drawing the electron arrangement of the first twenty elements in periodic table. |
-Draw electron arrangement of the first twenty elements using dots or cross diagrams on charts and excises books.
-Display their charts in class and peers to assess them and give feedback. |
-How do you Draw the electron arrangement of elements?
-What are valence electrons?
integrated science studies learner |
-Oral questions.
10 | 5 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Structure of an atom.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the features used to distinguish metals and non-metals based on their tendency to lose or gain electrons. -Search for information on How you can classify elements based on electron arrangement. |
-Use digital devices to Search for information on which feature one can Use to distinguish metals based on electron arrangement.
-Discuss How number of valence electrons distinguishes metals and non-metals based on their tendency to lose or gain electrons. -Watch video clips on How one can distinguish elements as metal or non-metals. |
How can one distinguish metals and non-metals elements based on electron arrangement?
integrated science studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
11 | 1 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Structure of an atom.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-classify elements in metals and non-metals based on the electron arrangement. -Prepare charts showing the metal and non-metal elements. -Show interest in classifying elements into metals and non-metals. |
-Use electron arrangement to classify the first twenty elements into metals and non-metals.
-Collaborate on preparing charts showing classification of elements into metals and non-metals. |
How can one determine an element is a metal or non-metal?
integrated science studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Oral questions and answers.
-Written exercise.
11 | 2-3 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Structure of an atom.
Structure of an atom assessment. Metals and alloys. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify some locally available materials used in modelling the atomic structure selected elements of the periodic table. -Model the atomic structure of the selected elements of the periodic table using locally available materials. -Enjoy modelling the atomic structure of the selected elements of the periodic table using locally available materials. -Attempt the questions on the sub-strand; structure of the atom. -Identify the physical properties of metals. -Describe the physical properties of metals. -Search the internet for more information on the physical properties of metals. -Appreciate the physical properties of the metals. |
-Collaborate on discussing on the suitable locally available materials to Use in modeling elements.
-Collect the locally available materials needed to Model the elements. -Collaborate in modelling the twenty elements of the periodic table. -Display their models in call for peer assessment. Answer questions on the sub-strand; structure of the atom correctly. -Use digital or print resources to Search for information on the physical properties of metals. -Identify the physical properties of metals. -Prepare posters or charts showing the physical properties of metals and Display in class. |
Which locally available materials can one use to model the elements of the periodic table?
integrated science studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Written questions. -Assessment rubrics. -Checklists. |
11 | 4 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Carry out experiments to Show the physical properties of metals. -Enjoy carrying out the experiments to Show the physical properties of metals. |
-Study the procedure for conducting the experiments on physical properties of metals.
-Collaborate in carrying out experiments to demonstrate the physical properties of metals. -Observe record and Discuss the observation they made. -Present their findings for assessment. |
Which experiment can one conduct to determine the physical properties of metals.
integrated science studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
11 | 5 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define the composition of alloys. -Identify the alloys in the locality. -Discuss the uses of common alloys in the environment. -Appreciate the uses of different metals in the society. -Enjoy collecting the metals in the locality. |
-Discuss about the meaning of an alloy.
-Identify and Collect the alloys found in the locality. -Discuss and Present the importance of metals in the community. -Present their findings and Draw different items made of the alloys they collected. |
-What is an alloy?
-which examples of items are made of metals?
integrated science studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
12 |
13 | 1 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify uses of different metals in day-to-day life. -Discuss the uses of different metals. -Make flashcards or charts to Show the uses of metals in the society. -Appreciate the uses of metals in the society. |
-List some items made of metals in the locality.
-Use digital or print devices to Search for information on the uses of metals. -Identify and Discuss the uses of the different metals. -Prepare flashcards or charts showing uses of different metals. |
What are the uses of the different metals in the locality?
integrated science studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
13 | 2-3 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
Metals and alloys. Metals and alloys. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the uses of alloys in day-to-day life. -Discuss the uses of the alloys in day-to-day life. -Prepare charts and flashcards showing the uses of alloys in day-to-day life. -Appreciate the uses of the different alloys in day-to-day life. -Explain the meaning of rust in metals. -Identify the causes of rusting in metals. -Describe the causes of rusting in metals. -Appreciate the causes of rusting in metals. -Carry out simple experiment on the cause of rusting on metals. -Enjoy carrying out the experiment on causes of rusting on metals. |
-Work together to Identify some of the items in the locality that are made of alloy.
-Use digital devices to Search for information on uses of common alloys. -List and Discuss the uses of the common alloys in the locality. -Prepare charts or flashcards showing the uses of common metals in the locality. -Observe rusted objects or items in the locality e.g. knives, nails, pangas etc. -Discuss on the meaning of rusting and Present in class. -Use digital or print devices to Search for information and causes of rusting in metals. -Discuss the causes of rusting in metals. -Prepare the requirements for the experiment. -Work together in carrying out the experiment on causes of rusting. -Observe, record and Discuss the observation made after a few days. |
-What are the uses of common alloys in the locality?
-What items are made of alloys in the locality?
-What is rusting? -What are the causes of rusting? |
integrated science studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written tests.
-Assessment rubrics.
-Assessment rubrics. -Checklists Written questions. -Oral questions. -Observation. |
13 | 4 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the effects of rusting on metals. - Discuss the effects of rusting on metals. -Search the internet for information on the effects of rusting. -Appreciate the effects of rusting on metals in the environment. |
-Observe some of the metallic objects that have rusted.
-Identify the effects of rusting on metals. -Use digital devices to Search for more information on the effects of rusting on metals. -Discuss the effects of rusting on metals. |
What are the effects of rusting on metals?
integrated science studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
13 | 5 |
Mixtures, element and compounds.
Metals and alloys.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State different ways of controlling rusting of metals in the environment. -Discuss the different ways of controlling rusting of metals. -Search on the internet for the information on ways of controlling rusting of metals. -Appreciate the different ways controlling rusting of metals. |
-Discuss the different ways of controlling rusting on metals.
-Use digital devices to Search for information on ways of controlling rusting on metals. -Discuss the different ways of controlling rusting on metals. |
Which ways are best for controlling rusting on metals?
integrated science studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
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