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1 | 3-4 |
Conservation of Resources.
Controlling Soil Pollution.
Controlling of Soil Pollution. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Define the term Soil Pollution. Identify the causes of Soil pollution in the environment. Discuss the causes of soil pollution in the environment. Search the internet for clips on soil pollution. Acknowledge the causes of soil pollution in the environment. lesson, be able to; Visit the school farm/local farm and identify the causes of soil pollution. Record their observation in a table. Enjoy the exercusion. |
In groups,learners are guided to:
study the pictures in learner's book and explain the meaning of soil pollution. identify the causes of soil pollution in the farms. discuss the causes of soil pollution of pollution in the farms. use digital devices to search for clips on soil pollution and share experiences on causes of soil pollution. In groups,learners are guided to; visit the school farm or nearby farm. observe and identify the causes of soil pollution in the farms. record their findings on a table and discuss their recordings in class. |
What is soil pollution?
What are the causes of soil pollution in the environment?
How can household practices cause soil pollution? |
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 1-3.
Pictures. Digital devices; tablets, laptops. School farm/Surrounding farm. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 2. Tablets. |
Oral questions.
Oral discussions.
Written tests.
Assessment rubric.
Portfolios. observation schedule. Oral questions. Exercusion. |
2 | 1 |
Conservation of Resources.
Controlling of Soil Pollution.
Controlling of Soil Pollution. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Identify the ways of controlling soil pollution in the environment. Discuss the ways of controlling soil pollution in the environment. Prepare posters showing the ways of controlling soil pollution in the environment. Appreciate the ways of controlling soil pollution in the environment. Identify a garden where soil has been polluted in the locality. Practice safe soil pollution control measures in the garden. Demonstrate responsibility in using safe farming practices to conserve soil. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
identify ways of controlling soil pollution in the environment. discuss ways of controlling controlling soil pollution in the environment. prepare posters showing ways of controlling soil pollution in the environment and display in class/noticeboard. In groups,learners are guided to; identify a garden where soil has been polluted in the locality. collaborate in carrying out safe soil pollution control practices. use digital devices to record themselves as they carry out the activities. |
How can you control soil pollution in the environment?
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 4-5.
Posters. Pictures. Digital devices. Garden/environment. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 4-5. Tablets. |
Oral questions.
Oral discussions.
Written tests.
2 | 2 |
Conservation of Resources.
Controlling Soil Pollution.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Explain the meaning of awareness messages. Create awareness messages on safe farming practices in the farms. Appreciate each other's effort in creating awareness messages on safe farming practices. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
discuss and create awareness messages on safe farming practices that will be shared with members of the community. |
What methods can you use to create awareness messages on safe farming practices?
Manilla papers.
Empty cartons. Pair of scissors. Marker pens. Glue. Tablets Laptops. |
Observation checklists
Assessment rubric.
2 | 3-4 |
Conservation of Resources.
Controlling Soil Pollution.
Constructing Water Retention Structures. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Attempt the questions in the Assessment Exercise 1. lesson, be able to; Define the terms Water conservation and surface runoff. State the importance of water conservation in the environment. Discuss the importance of water conservation in the environment. Acknowledge the need of conserving water in the environment. |
Individually,in pairs,learners are guided to;
answer all the questions on the sub-strand; Controlling Soil Pollution. In groups,learners are guided to; search the meaning of surface runoff and water conservation from the internet. brainstorm on the importance of conserving water in the environment. discuss the importance of water conservation in the environment. |
What is the important of water conservation in the environment? |
Assessment books. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 7.
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 9. Tablets. Internet. Teacher's Notes. |
Assessment rubric.
Written tests.
Oral questions Oral discussion. Written tests. Assessment rubric. |
3 | 1 |
Conservation of Resources.
Construction of Water Retention Structures.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Identify the structures used in conservation of surface runoff. Describe the ways of conserving surface runoff. Draw the structures used in conservation of runoff on charts. Appreciate the ways of conserving surface runoff. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
identify the structures used in conservation of surface runoff from the pictures. describe the different ways of conserving surface runoff. state the advantages of constructing the structures. draw the structures used in conservation of surface runoff and display in class. |
How can surface run-off be conserved for gardening purposes?
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 10.
Manilla paper. Drawing papers, Pencils. |
written tests.
Oral discussion.
Assessment rubric.
Oral questions.
3 | 2 |
Conservation of Resources.
Construction of Water Retention Structures.
Construction of Water Retention Structures. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Identify a site in the school environment that experiences the problem of runoff after a heavy rainfall Discuss the most appropriate water retention structure for the area. Design the structure to be constructed. Adopt utilization of surface runoff in gardening. Outline the procedure of constructing the most suitable water retention structure for the identified area. Construct the chosen structure in the identified area. Appreciate each other's effort in the construction of the water retention structure. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
identify a site in the environment that experiences surface runoff after a heavy rainfall. discuss on the most appropriate water retention structure for the identified area. design the structure to be constructed depending on the size of the farm. state the procedure for constructing the water retention structure. take turns in constructing the water retention structure chosen. |
How does construction of water retention structures conserve water?
Which crops are suitable for establishment in water retention structures?
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 11.
Garden/Surrounding Environment. Gardening tools (Jembe, Shovel, Slasher or Panga) Mulching materials. Meter rules. Planting materials. |
Activity journals.
Oral questions.
Oral discussion.
3 | 3-4 |
Conservation of Resources.
Conserving Food Nutrients.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Identify the ways of conserving vitamins and minerals salts in vegetables. Discuss the different ways of conserving vitamins and minerals salts in vegetables. Search the internet for clips and information on the ways of conserving vitamins and minerals salts in vegetables. Acknowledge the ways of conserving vitamins and minerals salts in vegetables. lesson, be able to; Describe how washing should be done in order to conserve mineral salts and vitamins in salts. Demonstrate proper washing of vegetables in order to preserve mineral salts and vitamins. Acknowledge the need of conserving vitamins and mineral salts in vegetable. |
In groups,pairs, learners are guided to:
search and watch video clips and pictures on the different ways of conserving vitamins and minerals salts in vegetables. identify the ways of conserving vitamins and minerals salts in vegetables. discuss ways of conserving vitamins and minerals salts in vegetables. prepare posters showing the ways of conserving mineral salts and vitamins in vegetables. In groups, pairs,learners are guided to; outline how to wash vegetables in order to conserve mineral salts and vitamins. demonstrate how to wash vegetables in order to conserve mineral salts and vitamins. use digital devices to record as they demonstrate how to wash vegetables in order to conserve minerals salts and vitamins. |
How do we conserve vitamins and minerals salts in vegetables?
How do you wash vegetables in order to conserve mineral salts and vitamins in vegetables? |
Video clips.
Pictures. Digital devices. MTP Agriculture & Nutrition pg 5-6. Posters. Manilla papers. Marker Pens. Cabbages. MTP Agriculture & Nutrition pg 5. Digital devices. Teacher's Notes. School kitchen. |
Oral questions
Written tests.
Oral discussion.
Assessment rubric.
Activity journal. Portfolios. Practical Demonstration. Oral questions. Checklists. |
4 | 1 |
Conservation of Resources.
Conserving Food Nutrients.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Describe how cutting and peeling should be done in order to conserve mineral salts and vitamins. Demonstrate how to cut and peel vegetables as ways of conserving vitamins and minerals salts. Enjoy demonstrating peeling and cutting of vegetables as ways of conserving nutrients. |
In groups, learners are guided to;
describe how peeling and cutting of vegetables should be done in order to conserve vitamins and minerals salts. observe the teacher as he or she demonstrates how to peel and cut vegetables to conserve vitamins and minerals salts. practice peeling and cutting of vegetables in order to conserve mineral salts and vitamins and record themselves. |
How should peeling and cutting be done in order to conserve mineral salts and vitamins in vegetables?
Vegetables. Potatoes School kitchen. MTP Agriculture & Nutrition pg 5-6. video clips. Knives. |
Practical demonstration.
Assessment rubric.
4 | 2 |
Conservation of Resources.
Conserving Food Nutrients.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Describe how cooking time and covering should be done in order to conserve mineral salts and vitamins in vegetables. Demonstrate how to conserve mineral salts and vitamins in vegetables using covering and cooking time. Adopt conservation of vitamins and mineral salts in vegetables. |
In groups, learners are guided to;
explain how covering and cooking time should be done to conserve vitamins and mineral salts in vegetables. observe the teacher keenly as he or she demonstrates covering and cooking time as ways of conserving vitamins and mineral salts in vegetables. practice covering and cooking time as ways of conserving vitamins and mineral salts in vegetables. |
How should covering and cooking time be done in order to conserve mineral salts and vitamins in vegetables?
Digital devices. School kitchen. |
Practical demonstration.
Observation checklists.
Assessment rubric.
4 | 3-4 |
Conservation of Resources.
Growing trees.
Growing trees. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; State the importance of trees in conserving the environment. Discuss the importance of trees in conserving the environment. Prepare posters showing the importance of trees in conserving the environment. Acknowledge the importance of trees in conservation of the environment. Differentiate between Afforestation,Re-afforestation and Deforestation. State the roles of trees in soil and water conservation in the environment. Discuss the roles of trees in soil and water conservation in the environment. Prepare posters showing the roles of trees in soil and water conservation. Appreciate the role of trees in soil and water conservation. lesson, be able to; State management practices done in a tree nursery. Discuss the management practices done in a tree nursery. Prepare posters showing the management practices done in a tree nursery. Develop desire to take care of trees in a nursery. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
brainstorm on the importance of trees in conserving the environment. discuss the importance of trees in conserving the environment. search the internet for more information on importance of trees in conservation of environment. prepare posters showing the importance of trees in conserving the environment. In groups,learners are guided to: use dictionaries or internet to search the meaning of afforestation,reafforestation and deforestation. discuss the roles of trees in soil and water conservation in the environment. prepare posters showing the roles of trees in soil and water conservation. In groups,learners are guided to: identify the management practices done in a tree nursery. discuss the management practices done in a tree nursery. prepare posters showing the management practices done in a tree nursery. |
How can growing of trees conserve the environment?
What are the management practices done in a tree nursery? |
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 16-17.
Digital devices. Posters. Manilla papers. Marker pens. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 18. Teacher's Notes. Internet. Dictionary. Digital device. Teacher's Notes. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 21. Posters. Manila papers and Marker pens. |
Oral questions.
Oral discussion.
Written tests.
Assessment rubric.
5 | 1 |
Conservation of Resources.
Growing trees.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Obtain the planting materials for your chosen trees. Establish the planting materials collected. Adopt tree planting as a way of conserving the environment. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
collect seeds, seedlings or vegetative materials depending on trees to establish. collaborate in establishing the agroforestry tree selected. |
How do you establish an agroforestry tree?
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark PG 20-21.
Environment. Jembes. Jerrycans. Buckets or empty sacks. Pangas. |
Practical Activity.
Activity journal.
5 | 2 |
Conservation of Resources.
Growing trees.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Outline the ways of managing the established trees. Discuss the ways of managing the established trees. Apply the management ways in taking care of the established trees. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
brainstorm on the ways of managing the established trees in the environment. discuss the ways of managing established trees. take care of the established trees using the identified management ways. |
How do you take care of the established trees?
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 21.
Teacher's Notes. Jerrycans. Dry grass,sawdust. |
Activity journal.
Observation checklists.
Assessment rubric.
5 | 3-4 |
Conservation of Resources.
Food Production Processes. |
Assessment on Conserving Food Nutrients and Growing Trees
Preparing Planting Sites and Establishing Crops. Preparing Planting Sites and Establishing Crops. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Attempt the assessment questions on the sub-strands; Growing trees and Conserving Food Nutrients. lesson, be able to; Define the term Soil tilth. Identify the types of soil tilths used for selected planting materials Discuss the types of soil tilths and give examples of appropriate crops for each tilth. Search the internet for more information on the types of soil tilth. Acknowledge the different types of soil tilth for planting materials. Identify the different types of planting sites from pictures. Describe the different types of planting sites for crop establishment. Prepare a suitable planting site for crop establishment. Appreciate the different types of planting sites for crop establishment. |
Individually,in pairs or groups,learners are guided to;
answer the questions on the assessment of the sub-strands; Conserving Food Nutrients and Growing Trees. In groups,learners are guided to; search the internet or books for the meaning of soil tilth and types of soil tilth. discuss the types of soil tilth used in planting of different crops. give examples of crops that requires the different types of soil tilth. demonstrate the different types of soil tilth in a garden. In groups,pairs,learners are guided to; observe pictures/photographs showing the different types of planting sites. identify the different types of planting sites from the photographs. explain the meaning of a planting sites. describe the different types of planting sites for establishment of crops. |
What is soil tilth? What are the types of soil tilth used in farming? |
Assessment books.
Assessment questions. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 21: Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 24-26. Pictures. Digital devices. School garden. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 23-24. Photographs. Teacher's Notes. |
Written tests.
Assessment rubric.
Written tests. Oral questions. Oral discussion. Assessment rubric. Observation. |
6 | 1 |
Food Production Processes.
Preparing Planting Sites and Establishing Crops.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Identify the suitable planting site for crop establishment. Prepare a planting site using a suitable tilth for establishing selected planting materials. Enjoy preparing a planting site using a suitable soil tilth. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
identify the most suitable planting site for establishing a selected planting material. collaborate in preparing a planting site using a suitable tilth for establishing the selected planting material. |
How do you prepare a planting site?
Panga,jembe,slasher , compost manure.
Planting materials for a crop of choice. Containers. Sacks. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 28-29 |
Activity journal.
6 | 2 |
Food Production Processes.
Preparing Planting Sites and Establishing Crops.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Identify the suitable planting site for crop establishment. Prepare a planting site using a suitable tilth for establishing selected planting materials. Enjoy preparing a planting site using a suitable soil tilth. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
identify the most suitable planting site for establishing a selected planting material. collaborate in preparing a planting site using a suitable tilth for establishing the selected planting material. |
How do you prepare a planting site?
Panga,jembe,slasher , compost manure.
Planting materials for a crop of choice. Containers. Sacks. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 28-29 |
Activity journal.
6 | 3-4 |
Food Production Processes.
Selected Crop Management Practices.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Define the term Crop management. Identify the different crop management practices carried on crops. Discuss the crop management practices carried on crops. Search the internet for video clips on the crop management practices carried on crops. Acknowledge the need for crop management practices on established crops. lesson, be able to; Identify the methods used to control weeds in the farm. Discuss the methods used to control weeds in the farm. Demonstrate the different methods of weeding on established crops. Enjoy weeding on the established crops in a planting site. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
brainstorm on the meaning of crop management and share in class. mention some of the crop management practices carried out on crops. discuss the crop management practices carried out on crops. watch clips on the different crop management practices done on established crops. In groups,pairs,learners are guided to; brainstorm on the methods used in controlling weeds in a farm or planting site. discuss the different methods used in controlling weeds in a farm or planting site. carry out weeding on the crops in planting sites or farm using the different methods. |
How can we carry out management practices in crop production?
How can weeds be controlled in a farm or planting site? |
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 43.
Digital devices; Tablets. Pictures. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 47-48. Jembes,Pangas. Digital devices. |
Oral questions
Oral discussions.
Written tests.
Assessment rubric.
Activity journal. Observation checklists. Assessment rubric. Oral questions. Oral discussions. |
7 | 1 |
Food Production Processes.
Selected Crop Management Practices.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Explain how thinning and gapping is done in a crop fields or planting sites. Demonstrate how thinning and gapping are done in a crop field. Acknowledge the need for thinning and gapping in a crop field. |
In groups,pairs or individually,learners are guided to;
describe how thinning and gapping is done in a crop field. carry out thinning and gapping in a farm or planting site and record using digital devices. |
How is gapping and thinning done in a crop field?
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 49.
Planting sites. School/Home garden. Digital devices. |
Activity journal.
Observation schedule.
Oral discussions.
Written tests.
7 | 2 |
Food Production Processes.
Selected Crop Management Practices.
Selected Crop Management Practices. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; Explain how earthing up is done in a crop field. Demonstrate earthing up in a planting site or farm. Appreciate the need for earthing up in a crop field. ; Explain how hardening is done in crop management. Search the internet for clips and information on hardening of crops as a way of management. Acknowledge the need for hardening in crop management. |
In groups, pairs,learners are guided to;
describe how earthing up is done on crops. state the importance of earthing up on crops. carry out earthing up to crops in planting sites or a garden and record using digital devices. In groups,pairs,learners are guided to; describe how hardening is done on crops. search the internet for information and clips on hardening of crops. carry out hardening on the different types of crops;maize, beans |
How is earthing up done on crops in a farm?
What are importance of earthing up on crops?
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 48.
Jembes/Pangas. Digital devices. Planting sites School/Home garden. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 49. Video clips. Teacher's Notes. |
Activity journal.
Assessment rubric.
Observation schedule.
Practical demonstration.
7 | 3-4 |
Food Production Processes.
Selected Crop Management Practices.
Selected Crop Management Practices (Assessment) |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
; State the importance of management practices in crop production. Discuss the importance of management practices in crop production. Search the internet for more information on importance of management practices in crop production. Appreciate the importance of various management practices in crop production. Attempt questions on the Assessment Exercise 6 . |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
brainstorm on the importance of management practices in crop production. discuss the importance of management practices in crop production. search the internet for more information on the importance of management practices in crop production. In pairs, individually,learners are guided to; answer the questions on the sub-strand: Selected Crop Management Practices. |
What is the importance of management practices in crop production?
Teacher's Notes.
Digital devices. internet. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 47-49. Assessment books. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 49-50. |
Oral questions.
Oral discussion.
Written tests.
Assessment rubric.
Written tests. Assessment rubric. Checklists. |
8 |
9 | 1 |
Food Production Processes.
Preparing Animal Products;Eggs and Honey.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Differentiate between Sorting and Grading as used in preparation of animal products. Identify factors to consider when sorting and grading eggs. Discuss the factors to consider when sorting and grading eggs. Prepare flashcards/posters on the factors to consider when sorting and grading eggs. Appreciate the need for sorting and grading of eggs. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
use internet or dictionary to search the meaning of sorting and grading. share experiences on how to prepare eggs for use and storage. discuss the factors to consider when sorting and grading eggs. prepare posters/flashcards showing the factors to consider when sorting and grading eggs. |
What are the reasons for sorting and grading eggs?
How do you prepare eggs for storage and use?
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 64-65.
Pictures. Digital devices |
Oral questions
Oral discussion.
Written tests.
Assessment rubric.
9 | 2 |
Food Production Processes.
Preparing Animal Products;Eggs and Honey.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Sort and grade eggs for various purposes. Acknowledge the need for sorting and grading of eggs. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
prepare eggs (sorting, grading and packing) for various purposes. display the prepared eggs and adopt the practice at home. |
How do you sort and grade eggs for various purposes?
Weighing machine. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 65. Trays. digital devices. |
Activity journal.
Observation checklists.
Practical demonstration.
9 | 3-4 |
Food Production Processes.
Preparing Animal Products:Eggs and Honey.
Preparing Animal Products: Eggs and Honey. Preparing Animal Products; Eggs and Honey. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State the importance grading and sorting eggs. Discuss the importance of sorting and grading eggs. Search the internet for more information on the importance of sorting and grading eggs. Embrace the preparation of animal products for various purposes. ; Define the term Honey processing. Outline the steps followed when processing honey. Discuss the honey processing process. Search the internet for clips on how honey is processed from Combs using crushing and straining method. Acknowledge the process of honey processing from the combs. Explain how honey is packed. Discuss how honey is packed after processing. Search the internet for more information on how honey is packed. Appreciate the need for packing honey after processing. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
brainstorm on the importance of sorting and grading eggs. discuss the importance of sorting and grading the eggs for various purposes. use digital devices connected to internet to search for more information on importance of grading and sorting eggs. search for and watch clips on how honey is processed using crushing and straining methods. outline the steps followed during honey processing. discuss the steps followed in honey processing. prepare posters to show the steps followed in honey processing. In groups,learners are guided to; discuss how honey is packed after its processing process and present in class. search the internet for more information on packing of honey. |
What is the importance of sorting and grading the eggs?
How is honey packed after processing process? |
Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 64-65.
Teacher's Notes Digital devices. Internet. Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 66-67. Video clips. Teacher's Notes. Posters. Agriculture & Nutrition pg 68. Pictures. Teacher's Notes. Digital devices. Resource person. |
Oral questions
Oral discussion.
Written tests.
Assessment rubric.
Oral discussion. Oral questions Written tests. |
10 | 1 |
Food Production Processes.
Preparing Animal Products; Eggs and Honey.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State the importance of processing raw honey. Discuss the importance of processing raw honey. Search internet for information on importance of processing raw honey. Acknowledge the importance of processing raw honey. |
In groups,learners are guided to;
brainstorm on the importance of processing raw honey. discuss the importance of processing raw honey. search the internet or listen to a resource person for information on the importance of processing raw honey. |
Why is it important to process raw honey?
Teacher's Notes.
Internet. Digital devices. Resource persons. |
Oral discussion.
Oral questions.
Written tests.
Assessment rubric.
10 | 2 |
Food Production Processes.
Preparing Animal Products: Eggs and Honey.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Visit a nearby farm to observe how honey is processed. Carry out honey processing and package the processed honey. Embrace preparation of animal products for various purposes. |
As a class , in groups,learners are guided to:
visit a nearby farm to observe how honey is processed and packed. use digital devices to record conversation with the farmer. carry out the honey processing process and package it. |
How can we prepare animal products?
Nearby Farm.
Digital devices. Agriculture & Nutrition pg 66-68. |
10 | 3-4 |
Food Production Processes.
Preparing Animal Products: Eggs and Honey.
Preparing Animal Products:Eggs and Honey. (Assessment) Cooking Methods. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Visit a nearby farm to observe how honey is processed. Carry out honey processing and package the processed honey. Embrace preparation of animal products for various purposes. Attempt questions on the Assessment Exercise 9 in learner's book. List the factors that determine the choice of a cooking method. Identify the methods of cooking different types of food. Describe the methods of cooking different types of foods. Search the internet for information on the cooking methods; Grilling, Roasting and Steaming. Acknowledge the different methods of cooking food. |
As a class , in groups,learners are guided to:
visit a nearby farm to observe how honey is processed and packed. use digital devices to record conversation with the farmer. carry out the honey processing process and package it. Individually,in pairs,learners are guided to: answer all the questions on the assessment exercise. In groups or in pairs,learners are guided to: brainstorm on the factors that determine the choice of a cooking method. list the different cooking methods. discuss the different methods of cooking food. search the internet for more information on the cooking methods. |
How can we prepare animal products?
Nearby Farm.
Digital devices. Agriculture & Nutrition pg 66-68. Agriculture & Nutrition pg 69-70. Assessment books. Teacher's Notes. Digital devices. MTP Agriculture & Nutrition pg 46-47. Photos. Pictures. |
Written tests. Assessment rubric. |
11 | 1 |
Food Production Processes.
Cooking Methods: Grilling Method.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State the guidelines for cooking food by Grilling method. Discuss the safety measures to observe during grilling of food. Prepare posters showing the guidelines for cooking food by grilling method. Appreciate the guidelines and safety measures to observe during grilling. |
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
list the foods suitable for grilling. outline the guidelines for grilling method. discuss the importance of adhering to each of the guideline. prepare posters showing the guidelines for grilling. discuss the safety measures to be observed during grilling of food. |
What guidelines should one observe during grilling?
What is the importance of adhering to the guidelines during grilling?
MTP Agriculture & Nutrition pg 54.
Posters Teacher's Notes. |
11 | 2 |
Food Production Processes.
Cooking Methods: Grilling.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify the requirements and ingredients of a selected food to be cooked using grilling method Prepare recipes of food to be grilled. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of grilling method of cooking. Appreciate the use of grilling method in cooking. |
In groups,learners are guided to:
select a suitable food to cook by grilling method. list the necessary requirements and ingredients to use in cooking by grilling method. prepare recipes of food to be grilled. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of grilling food. search the internet for recipes of grilled food. |
What are the advantages and disadvantages of grilling food?
Which equipment are used in grilling method?
MTP Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 57.
Digital devices. Teacher's Notes. |
Assessment rubric.
Written text
Oral questions.
11 | 3-4 |
Food Production Processes.
Cooking Methods: Grilling Method.
Cooking Methods: Roasting |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Prepare and cook the selected food using the grilling method. Serve the food prepared using grilling method. Enjoy grilling food . Identify the equipment and tools used in roasting. Outline the guidelines for cooking food by roasting. Prepare posters showing the guidelines for cooking food by roasting. Acknowledge the safety measures to observe during roasting. |
In groups,learners are guided to:
gather the tools, equipment and materials to be used for grilling. follow the recipes prepared to prepare and cook the selected food using grilling method. record using digital devices as they cook. observe safety when cooking. serve the prepared food. In groups,pairs,learners are guided to: identify the tools and equipment used in roasting. draw the equipment used in roasting. discuss the guidelines for cooking food by roasting and their importance. outline the safety measures to observe during roasting. |
How did you observe safety when grilling?
Why should we turn food when grilling?
What types of food are prepared using the roasting method? |
School Kitchen. Selected food for grilling. Grilling Equipment and Tools. Teacher's Note. MTP Agriculture & Nutrition Spark pg 54 & 49. Posters. Pictures. |
Observation schedule.
Assessment rubric.
Oral questions. Written tests. Assessment rubric. |
12 | 1 |
Food Production Processes.
Cooking Methods.
Cooking Methods |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, be able to; List the requirements and ingredients for roasting a selected food. Prepare recipes of food to be roasted. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of roasting food. Appreciate the use of roasting in cooking food. Prepare and cook the selected food using the roasting method. Serve the food prepared by roasting method. Enjoy roasting and eating the roasted food. |
In groups,learners are guided to:
list the requirements and ingredients for roasting selected food. compile and write down recipes of food to be roasted. discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of roasting. search the internet for clips on roasting method. gather the equipment required for preparing and roasting the selected food. follow the prepared recipe to prepare and cook the selected food by roasting method. record using digital devices as they cook. serve the roasted food. |
How do you prepare food to be cooked by roasting method?
Teacher's Method.
MTP Agriculture & Nutrition pg 60. Digital devices. Video clips. School Kitchen. Selected food to cook. Equipment for roasting. MTP Agriculture & Nutrition pg 60-61. Teacher's Notes. |
Observation schedule.
Written test.
Oral questions.
12 | 2 |
Food Production Processes.
Cooking Methods: Steaming.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, Outline the guidelines for steaming. Discuss the importance of the guidelines for steaming. Prepare posters showing the guidelines for steaming. Adhere to the guidelines for steaming food. |
In groups,learners are guided to:
state the guidelines for steaming food. discuss the importance of guidelines for steaming. outline the safety precautions to observe when steaming. |
What types of food can be prepared by steaming?
Which equipment are used in steaming of food?
Teacher's Notes.
MTP Agriculture & Nutrition pg 54. Pictures. Photos of steaming equipment. |
Oral questions.
Written tests.
Assessment rubric.
12 | 3-4 |
Food Production Processes.
Cooking Methods.
Cooking Method: Steaming. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
lesson, List the requirements and ingredients to use in steaming of selected food. Prepare recipes for steaming the selected food. Search the internet for recipes and clips on steaming. Appreciate the use of steaming method. lesson, Prepare and cook selected food using the steaming method. Serve the steamed food. Enjoy steaming and eating the steamed food. |
In groups,learners are guided to:
select a suitable food to prepare and cook using the steaming method. list and note down the requirements and ingredients to use in steaming the selected food. prepare recipes for steaming the selected food. search the internet for recipes and clips on steaming. In groups,learners are guided to: gather the tools, equipment and materials required for preparing and cooking steamed cabbage. follow the recipe to prepare and cook the cabbage by steaming method. observe safety and hygiene when steaming. record using digital devices as they cook. |
How do you prepare food for steaming?
How do you prepare for steaming a food? |
Teacher's Notes.
Digital devices. MTP Agriculture & Nutrition pg 55. Video clips. School kitchen. Cabbage. Steaming equipment. Recipes. Digital devices. |
Written tests.
Oral questions.
Assessment rubrics.
Assessment rubric. Checklists. Observation schedule. . |
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